
In: Computer Science

Consider the TA assignment problem where n Teaching Assistants (TAs) are to be assigned to n...

Consider the TA assignment problem where n Teaching Assistants
(TAs) are to be assigned to n courses with one course having exactly
one TA. Each course ranks all of the TAs, and each TA ranks all the
courses, from most to least desirable.
Can you provide an example of an assignment and preference lists such
that every TA and course forms an unstable pair? (Yes/No). If Yes,
present the assignment. If No, justify your answer.
note: gale shapley algorithm


Expert Solution

No there doesn't exist an unstable assignment. The gale shapley algorithm generate stable pairs. In this case Course are assigned to  TA.

Algorithm : 
    In algorithm below Course_Pref_list is given by each TA and TA_Rank_list is provided by each Course.


  1. Set all courses_list and TA_list to be assigned null
  2. Repeat step 3 and 4 until all TA is assigned course from courses_list
  3. if TA Tp is not assigned any course.
  4. Search course_Pref_list of TA Tp and  assign a course
    1. which is still assigned null.
    2. if no such course is null .Repeat
      1. Choose one Cq course in the TA Tp Course_pref_list in given order.
      2. In that course Cq find TA Tp. and see if Tp ranked higher than current assigned TA.
      3. Assign that course Cq to TA Tp.
  5. At the end every TA is assigned a course by which both are satisfied according to  given preference than any other possible assignment.


Every TA Ti  must have listed  the Course Cj  at some number(according to desirability)  and Similarly Cj must have ranked Ti at some number (ranking order).

The proof by contradiction.

Assume :   After the algorithm termination, Ti   and Cj are assigned to some other Cx and Ty. Ti and Cj both prefer each other more than their current allocation (Already provided with the problem).

If Cj ranks Ti higher-up than current assigned Ty , the assignment is only possible

  1. if Cj was assigned Ti(by looking from Ti preference list ) and Cj (by looking from Course ranking TA list) was then assigned to Ty. This shows that Ty is more preferred than Ti. It tells us that Ti was not higher in the preference list than Ty.
  2. Ti was assigned Cj(by looking from Course ranking TA list) and Ti (by looking from Ti preference list) was then assigned to Cx. This shows that Cx is more preferred than Cj. It tells us that Cj was not higher in the preference list than Cx.

In  both the above cases it is shows either Ti or Cj have conflict with their preference. Which contradicts our assumption that Ti and Cj are both preferred then current assignment.

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