In: Chemistry
The strongest lines in the solar spectrum are the Ca H and K lines which are produced by singly-ionized Ca atoms in the ground state. Show that, in the solar atmosphere (Teff = 5777 K, ne = 2
Although in the sun hydrogen is about a million times as
abundant as calcium, the Ca II K line is much stronger (wider) than
the H2 line.
The lines I compare are formed by calcium and hydrogen, the latter
element being a million times as abundant as the first. The calcium
line is caused by a transition from the first level of once ionized
calcium to the second level. This corresponds with a wavelength of
even though calcium is much less abundant as hydrogen in the sun's
photosphere, the energy needed to get to the second level of
hydrogen is too much, and therefor it rarely happens. Calcium on
the other hand only needs about 7 eV to get to the second level of
Ca+, which happens much more easily at 5800 K.Because the effort
needed to get electrons to the right position in calcium is much
less than in hydrogen, there are much more calcium ions with
electrons in the ground level than there are hydrogen atoms with
electrons in the second level. Therefore many more electrons are
available to absorb photons for the calcium line than for the
hydrogen line, and this means that the calcium line is wider.