In: Computer Science
explain why ethical hacking is necessary in today's complex business environment.
Ethical hacking is made up of two words: Ethical means doing
something with ethics and Hacking means accessing or playing with
computer accessories for any means.
Now as we know, Ethical hacking is a field of computer science or
hacking in which a hacker uses its knowledge and power to do some
hacking but in this type, hackers tend to secure the system not to
harm the system.
Hacking is a very interesting field in computer science, but as
we know everything that we know, may help or harm us.
Same hacking can also harm us, now to protect ourselves from that
harm we need some shield. We can term Ethical hacking as that
Suppose a hacker, hacked the banking system and now he is controlling all the transactions and money. There is only one way to save the bank and that is hacking that hacker and to do that we need another hacker and we can say that hacker as Ethical Hacker and the hacking as Ethical hacking.
Now in today's era, most of the people from successful peoples are doing business. Any hacker with a bad mindset will try to hack the businessman to earn money. Also, the competitor of the businessman will hire some hackers to destroy the businessman.
So there is only one way to save ourselves from these bad mindset people use Ethical hacking.
So ethical hacking is necessary for today's complex business environment.