
In: Computer Science

Using the idea of the Bubble Sort algorithm, design an algorithm in pseudocode that gets 3...

Using the idea of the Bubble Sort algorithm, design an algorithm in pseudocode that gets 3 numbers a, b, c, from the user, and prints the 3 numbers in ascending order


Expert Solution


import java.util.*;

class GFG


static void sort3(int arr[],

                  int temp[])


    // Insert arr[1]

    if (arr[1] < arr[0])


            temp[0] = arr[0];

            arr[0] = arr[1];

            arr[1] = temp[0];


    // Insert arr[2]

    if (arr[2] < arr[1])


            temp[0] = arr[1];

            arr[1] = arr[2];

            arr[2] = temp[0];


    if (arr[1] < arr[0])


            temp[0] = arr[0];

            arr[0] = arr[1];

            arr[1] = temp[0];




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