In: Psychology
What Should Wilma and Frank Do?
Frank and Wilma Rogers live in the Toronto area. Frank is a product engineer in the automotive industry and Wilma is a professor for a local community college. Wilma has been working on her doctorate for the last five years and is scheduled to graduate with her PhD in Business
Administration shortly. Wilma has just received an interesting telephone call and can’t wait to talk to Frank about it.Over dinner that night Wilma tells Frank about the phone call: a past boss of hers called to tell her about an open position at a university in Nunavut. As Wilma excitedly discusses the associate professor of business position and the opportunities it will bring, Frank is thinking to himself what a great opportunity it is, but that he doesn’t find the location appealing. He subsequently tells her this and nothing more is discussed. A week goes by and Wilma still finds herself yearning to know more about this position and wanting to apply. She calls Frank and explains this to him and he encourages her to apply. Wilma calls her former boss and applies for the position. Eventually she gets an offer. Wilma gives her notice at the college and within the next six months starts her new position. Wilma moves to Nunavut, but Frank stays in Toronto until he can find a job in Nunavut. A few more months go by and Frank has not been able to find a comparable job, so he pressures Wilma to consider moving back to Toronto and leaving her new position. Wilma is torn about what to do as she loves her new job but understands why Frank is frustrated.
1.According to Edgar Schein, what career anchors are driving Wilma’s and Frank’s careers at this point?
2.If Wilma wishes to stay in her new job, how could her employer assist her with this dilemma?
3.Is there anything Frank and Wilma should have done differently in your opinion? If so, what?
1. Bot Frank and Wilma are in great problem as they are in different places for career. If they want to remain together one needs to leave job. But both love their job and both are in good position. It would not be wise decision to leave the job. On the other hand, if they continue their job, their conjugal life would be hampered and it may be broken.
2. Wilma loves her job. If she remains at her position it will not be possible for her to continue conjugal life with Frank. On the other hand, Frank is frustrated. He will grow a mental problem if Wilma remains at her position. In such case she needs to make Frank understand the critical situation. She may advice Frank to wait and ultimately if there is no remedy they must take a fruitful decision through fruitful discussion.
3. In this respect they have no option except waiting for few days. If it is not possible one should leave the job to lead happy life. They must take the decision in in wise way. They should understand the matter that happy lifestyle is more valuable than successful career. It does not depend on career.