
In: Computer Science

1. Create a1. Create a new java file named that should have Name class based...

1. Create a1. Create a new java file named that should have Name class based on new java file named that should have Name class based on the following UML


- first: String

- last: String

+ Name ()

+ Name (String firstName, String lastName)

+ getName () : String

+ setName (String firstName, String lastName) : void

+ getFirst () : String

+ setFirst (String firstName) : void

+ getLast () : String

+ setLast (String lastName) : void

+ printName () : void

Notes: Name() constructor should call the other constructor to set blank values for first and last variables; getName should call getFirst and getLast; setName should call setFirst and setLast; printName should call getName and then print the name in the following format (assuming that values of Rahul & Dewan were used to create the Name object) – Hello Rahul Dewan, Welcome to CIS1500 Course ! If the name is blank, it should display message like: Name is blank !


Expert Solution


Please find the code below

I have also attached the snapshot of the output

//The third compartment represents methods on the class. Attributes and operations can be preceded with a visibility adornment. A plus sign (+) indicates public visibility. A minus sign (-) denotes private visibility

import java.util.*;

class Name{

// - sign denotes private fields
private String first;
private String last;

// + sign denotes public avalibility for fields, methods
public Name(){

// way to call another constructor from a constructor
   //set blank values for first and last name
   // as per the given condition


public Name(String firstName, String lastName){
   this.first= firstName;
   this.last = lastName;

public String getName(){

// call getFirstName and getLastName
String firstName = getFirst();
String lastName = getLast();
//return name
return firstName + " " + lastName;

public String getFirst(){

return this.first;


public String getLast(){

return this.last;


public void setFirst (String firstName){

// set firstName
this.first = firstName;


public void setLast (String lastName){

// set lastName
this.last = lastName;

public void printName (){

//call getName and print the name
   String PersonName = getName();
   if(PersonName == "")
       System.out.println("Name is blank !");
       System.out.println("Hello " + PersonName + ", Welcome to CIS1500 Course !");



This is Other to demonstrate the working of

import java.util.*;

public class Test{

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Name test = new Name("Rahul","Dewan");




Thanks Hope it helps!

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