
In: Computer Science

in java, write code that defines a class named Cat The class should have breed, name...

in java,
write code that defines a class named Cat The class should have breed, name and weight as attributes.
include setters and getters for the methods for each attribute.
include a toString method that prints out the object created from the class, and a welcome message.
And use a constructor that takes in all the attributes to create an object.


Expert Solution

Kindly note that toString() method is defined in Object Class in Java and since any Class in Java is actually an Object of the Object Class , hence all classes already have a defined toString() method. If you simply print a Object (System.out.println(obj)). This invokes the toString() method and a output is returned. Originally , this output is the hashcode of the current object. Hence , we need to override the toString() method to print information as per our requirement.

Here is the complete implementation

class Cat{
    /* Attributes are private to provide more abstraction and therefore other classes need to use getter and setter functions to access these attributes */
    private String  breed;
    private String  name;
    private double weight;
    /* Class Constructor for initialisation of attributes */
    public Cat(String breed , String name , double weight){
        this.breed = breed; = name;
        this.weight = weight;
    /* Setter Functions */
    public void setBreed(String breed){
        this.breed = breed;
    public void setName(String name){ = name;
    public void setWeight(double weight){
        this.weight = weight;
    /* Getter Functions */
    public String getBreed(){
        return breed;
    public String getName(){
        return name;
    public double getWeight(){
        return weight;
    /* Overriding toString function as it is already defined in the Object Class
       and if you call toString() without overriding it in your class , the output 
       will be the hashCode of the Object Eg:- Cat@453290 where last 6 digits are 
       hashcode of the object. Hence , we need to override the method*/ 
    public String toString(){
         return ("Breed is : "+breed+",  Name is : "+name+
         ",  Weight is : "+weight+ "---WELCOME CAT---");
public class HelloWorld{

     public static void main(String []args){
         /* Creating two different objects */
        Cat C1=new Cat("Persian","Bella",6);  
        Cat C2=new Cat("Maine Coon","Lucy",9);
        /* Calling their toString method , which can be done by simple printing 
           the object in Java*/

Here is the screenshot of the output.

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