
In: Computer Science

Using Java A stack is a type of data collection on which things can be “pushed”...

Using Java

A stack is a type of data collection on which things can be “pushed” and “popped”. For example, a stack of plates can have a plate added (or “pushed”) onto the stack, and a plate removed (or “popped”) from the stack. Plates are pushed onto or popped off of the stack one at a time. The last plate pushed onto the stack is the first plate popped off of the stack. This type of structure is known as “LIFO” – last in, first out.

In this project, you will create a stack that will hold objects of type Person. The stack itself will be in a class named PersonStack.

When manipulating the stack, three types (or classes) of exceptions can be thrown. Each Exception class will contain two constructors, one which provides a default message for the exception, and one which takes a String as an argument and sets the exception message to that String.

The three Exception classes in this project are:

  1. StackFullException – thrown when trying to add (or “push”) an object onto the stack which already has reached its maximum size. The default exception message is

"PersonStack is full – object not added."

  1. StackEmptyException – thrown when trying to remove (or “pop”) an object from the stack when the stack is empty. The default exception message is

"PersonStack is empty – no object to return."

  1. IllegalObjectTypeException – thrown when trying to add an object to the stack that is not an instance of the correct type of object which the stack can hold. (In this project, the stack holds objects of type Person.) The default exception message is

"Object is not a Person – object not pushed."

Each class above extends Exception, so it is “checked”, and must appear inside a try-catch statement.

Next, you should define a class called PersonStack, which will implement the stack containing an array of Person objects. (Use the Person and Date classes provided on Canvas below.)

The details of this project:

  • The stack is implemented using an array with a capacity of 5 Person objects.  Initially it will be empty (contain no objects)
  • An int variable is used to point to the “next available stack position” in the array. Initialize this variable to 0, meaning that the stack is empty.
  • The class will provide a method named push(), which will take one argument, an object of type Object.
    • If the object is null, or if the object is not an instance of the Person class, then this method will throw an exception of type IllegalObjectTypeException, but the push method will not catch the exception.
    • If the stack is full, then this method will throw an exception of type StackFullException, but will not catch it.
    • Otherwise, the method will typecast the object to a Person, place the object on top of the stack (the element in the array referenced by the “next available stack position” variable), and increment that variable.
  • The class will provide a method named pop():
    • If the stack is empty, this method will throw an exception of type StackEmptyException, but will not catch it
    • Otherwise, the method will decrement the variable referencing the “next available stack position”, remove the Person object currently occupying that position from the stack (array), and return the Person object that was just removed from the stack.
  • The class will provide a method named toString(), which lists all of the Person objects currently residing on the stack.
  • You do not need to include an equals method for the PersonStack class

Finally, you will need to write a main “tester” program. (Please put this method in its own class, not with PersonStack.) This program will:

  • Instantiate an object of the PersonStack class – aka the “stack”.
  • Inside a “try” block:
    1. Instantiate and “push” 5 different Person objects onto the stack.  
    2. Print the contents of the stack (use the stack’s toString method).
    3. Attempt to “push” a 6thPerson object onto a stack, which should throw a StackFullException.
  • Inside a second “try” block
    1. “Pop” five Person objects from the stack. As each is “popped”, print a message showing which Person object was returned.
    2. The stack should now be empty. Try to “pop” a 6th object from the stack, which should throw a StackEmptyException.
  • In a third “try” block:
    1. Instantiate an object of any type other than Person. (For example, you could use a Date or a String)
    2. Try to “push” this object onto the stack. This should throw an IllegalObjectTypeException
  • After each “try” block above, you will need to add “catch” blocks to handle the types of exceptions which can be thrown by methods inside the “try” block, because those methods do not handle the exceptions themselves.
    1. The “push” method can throw a StackFullException and an IllegalObjectTypeException.
    2. The “pop” method can throw a StackEmptyException.

In each “catch” block, print the exception message, but do not stop.

Please do not change the Person or Date classes.  

A sample dialog might look like:

  Just added five people onto the stack
  Here are the contents of the stack: 
     Name: Harry Potter  born: July 31, 1997
     Name: Beyoncé  born: September 4, 1981
     Name: James T. Kirk  born: March 22, 2233
     Name: Tom Brady  born: June 1, 1989
     Name: Oprah Winfrey  born: March 25, 1975
  Trying to push one more onto the stack:
  PersonStack is full - object not added

  Popping the contents of the stack plus one.
     Popped: Name: Oprah Winfrey  born: March 25, 1975  
     Popped: Name: Tom Brady  born: June 1, 1989
     Popped: Name: James T. Kirk  born: March 22, 2233
     Popped: Name: Beyoncé  born: September 4, 1981
     Popped: Name: Harry Potter  born: July 31, 1997
  PersonStack is empty - no object to return
  Trying to add an Object object to the stack. 
  Object not a Person - object not pushed


Expert Solution

//first solution

class Person
   String name,dob;
   Person(String name,String dob)
class IllegalObjectTypeException extends Exception{
   {super("default message");
   IllegalObjectTypeException(String s){
class StackFullException extends Exception{
   { super("default message");
   StackFullException(String s){
class StackEmptyException extends Exception{
   super("default message");
   StackEmptyException(String s){

class PersonStack
   int capacity=5;
   Person p[]=new Person[capacity];
   int top=0;
   public void push(Object obj) throws Exception
       if(obj==null||obj instanceof Person==false)
       throw new IllegalObjectTypeException("Object not a Person - object not pushed");
       else if(top>=capacity)
       throw new StackFullException("PersonStack is full - object not added");

   public Person pop() throws Exception
       throw new StackEmptyException("PersonStack is empty - no object to return");
           return p[--top];
   public String toString()
   {String s=" Here are the contents of the stack: \n";
       for(int i=0;i<top;i++)
           s+="Name: "+p[i].name+" born: "+p[i].dob+"\n";
       return s;

class Tester
   public static void main(String arg[])
   PersonStack ps=new PersonStack();
       System.out.println("Popping the contents of the stack plus one.");
       Person p1=new Person("Harry Potter","July 31, 1997");
       Person p2=new Person("Beyoncé","September 4, 1981");
       Person p3=new Person("James T. Kirk ","March 22, 2233");
       Person p4=new Person("Tom Brady","June 1, 1989");
       Person p5=new Person("Oprah Winfrey","March 25, 1975");  
       Person p6=new Person("Harry Potter","July 31, 1997");
   catch(Exception e)
   {Person p=ps.pop();
       System.out.println("Popping the contents of the stack plus one.");
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob);

   catch(Exception e)
   String s="Apple";
   catch(Exception e)


//if you want Date class Then Second solution

class Date
   int day,year;
   String month;
   Date(int day,String month,int year)
   public String toString()
   {String s="";
   s+=this.month+" "", "+this.year;
       return s;
class Person
   String name;
   Date dob;
   Person(String name,Date dob)
class IllegalObjectTypeException extends Exception{
   {super("default message");
   IllegalObjectTypeException(String s){
class StackFullException extends Exception{
   { super("default message");
   StackFullException(String s){
class StackEmptyException extends Exception{
   super("default message");
   StackEmptyException(String s){

class PersonStack
   int capacity=5;
   Person p[]=new Person[capacity];
   int top=0;
   public void push(Object obj) throws Exception
       if(obj==null||obj instanceof Person==false)
       throw new IllegalObjectTypeException("Object not a Person - object not pushed");
       else if(top>=capacity)
       throw new StackFullException("PersonStack is full - object not added");

   public Person pop() throws Exception
       throw new StackEmptyException("PersonStack is empty - no object to return");
           return p[--top];
   public String toString()
   {String s=" Here are the contents of the stack: \n";
       for(int i=0;i<top;i++)
           s+="Name: "+p[i].name+" born: "+p[i].dob.toString()+"\n";
       return s;

class Tester
   public static void main(String arg[])
   PersonStack ps=new PersonStack();
       System.out.println("Popping the contents of the stack plus one.");
       Date dob=new Date(31,"July",1997);
       Person p1=new Person("Harry Potter",dob);
       dob=new Date(4,"September",1981);
       Person p2=new Person("Beyoncé",dob);
       dob=new Date(22,"March",2233);
       Person p3=new Person("James T. Kirk ",dob);
       dob=new Date(1,"June",1989);
       Person p4=new Person("Tom Brady",dob);
       dob=new Date(25,"March",1975);
       Person p5=new Person("Oprah Winfrey",dob);  
       dob=new Date(31,"July",1997);
       Person p6=new Person("Harry Potter",dob);
   catch(Exception e)
   {Person p=ps.pop();
       System.out.println("Popping the contents of the stack plus one.");
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());
       System.out.println("Name: "" born: "+p.dob.toString());

   catch(Exception e)
   String s="Apple";
   catch(Exception e)


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