In: Operations Management
Manufacturing company has 3 products: skatebords, snowboards, and kick-scooters.
They only produce boards for intermediate level riders.
They sell product in their own retail stores and offer customization to customers who are willing to pay a price premium.
1. Business Strategy? Why?
2.Appropriate production process? Why?
3. Identify all planning activities components of MPC framework and explain how the organization would plan, schedule, and control flow of material?
4. Thoroughly explain the MPC framework and how the comapsny's apporach and techniques support the business stratefy and prodcution process?
1Q Answer:
· The strong business strategy of the company is its product selection which is the best strategy to attract all parts of the customers especially the young kids. The three different products but similar manufacturing with limited changes are also one of the key success for the business
· To attract customers of all ages and of all groups. Even the price of the product is comparative and added premium for price for customization is another strategy to attract people who want to spend some extra penny for the customization of the product
· The products that are available in their own retails stores through which they can expect the demand and supply of the product
· The great knowledge of the product to the staff and less installation is also an added advantage for the company
2Q Answer:
· This is the suitable production process to the company to understand the make to stock that means how much stock that need to maintain to meet the demand
· What are the regular intervals of orders that are received for the products and how much time it is required to fulfil the order?
· Time takes to assemble the products. All factors are suitable for the company to calculate the time that is taken to supply the three products to the store that maintains proper availability of the product, the labour cost and speed of production etc. which helps the company to select the suitable process to overcome the inventory issues and other labour costs
3Q Answer:
· The Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced method of process control that is followed in the industry to meet the current requirements with keeping future needs.
· The MPC framework is one of the main advantage of the company that identifies current requirements are delivered with quality output
· By using the MPC that will help the industry to identify the requirement of the products and also helps for the control optimization for current products. The best product quality can be monitored and proper schedule to meet the present and future demands
· Also it can able to plan the flow of materials as per the product demand. For example, if one product has high demand than other the early detection of the demand can be easy through MPC frame work which helps to define the present and future outflow of products
4Q Answer:
· The company main aim to fulfil the current requirement and also able to identify the future demand through model predictive control. The higher the product sells in the market or requirement the higher the demand for the product. In the same way the company will be able to identify which product would be more needed in the future
· The MPC is an advanced process control that is used to control the process by satisfying with limitations. This is the tool that is used to define the past and future production details. The inclusion of details like past control, future control, past output and predicted future through digital analysis
· With the MPC the company able to identify the details of the past and future outputs through which it can plan its production and work accordingly. There are so much that can do with the available data and strategies of producing customised products with added advantage of premium pricing. The ability to control the production process through proper identification of the product demand
· The company uses its best techniques to identify the valued customers and collect a feedback system through which the product need and requirements can be identified and also the costing approach
· The various customer’s data and their type of product purchase provides the details of most purchased product based on that its production process is aligned to get the desired outcomes
· The collective feedback system, customised strategies and pricing techniques always helps the company to develop the customer need products