In: Computer Science
Problem 2:
suggest that you also use other input arrays to validate the correctness and efficiency of your solution. • Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file). |
Write a program in Java to implement a recursive search functionint terSearch(int A[], int l, int r, int x)
that returns the location of x in a given sorted array of n integers A if x is present, otherwise -1.
The terSearch search function, unlike the binary search, must consider two dividing points
int d1 = l + (r - l)/3
int d2 = d1 + (r - l)/3
For the first call of your recursive search function terSearch you must consider l = 0 and r = A.length - 1.
Important Notes:
• For this problem you must add the main method in your program in order to test your implementation.
There are no data errors that need to be checked as all the data will be assumed correct.
Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file).
• A program that does not compile or does not run loses all correctness points.
For ternary search, everything remains the same as binary search, except two mid values are calculated according to the formula and increased checking conditions to update range of array to be searched. Range limits updation is explained in the program.
import java.util.*;
class Main
// recursive function
static int terSearch(int A[], int l, int r, int x)
if(l>r) // base condition, x not
return -1;
// d1 and d2 calculation
int d1 = l + (r-l)/3;
int d2 = d1 + (r-l)/3;
// decreasing the limits of array
according to conditions
if(x<A[d1]) {
terSearch(A, l, d1-1, x); // r=d1-1
} else if(x==A[d1]){
d1; // element at d1
} else if(x>A[d1] &&
x<A[d2]) {
terSearch(A, d1+1, d2-1, x); //l=d1+1, r=d2-1
} else if(x==A[d2]) {
d2; // element at d2
} else { // x>A[d2]
terSearch(A, d2+1, r, x); //l=d2-1
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner sc = new
int n, x, foundIndex;
System.out.println("Enter array
n = sc.nextInt(); //
array size input
int A[] = new int[n];
System.out.println("Enter array
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
A[i] =
sc.nextInt(); // array elements input
System.out.println("Enter element
to be searched");
x = sc.nextInt();
foundIndex =
terSearch(A,0,n-1,x); // call the ternary search
if(foundIndex==-1) // x
not found
System.out.println(x + " not found");
System.out.println(x + " found at index(starting from 0):
Sample Code Run: