In: Operations Management
Describe 7 main steps in scientific decision making. Illustrate the steps using a specific management problem (for an example, choice of inputs for a PC with minimal costs ).
Steps in scientific decision making-
1. Identify the decision-
At this step, Business identify and define the problem or question we need to answer. For example- Our company has shortage of PC in our company so we need to make a decision how we purchase PC at minimal cost.
2. Gather relevant information
Once you have identified your decision, it’s time to gather the information relevant to that choice. Do an internal assessment, seeing where your organization has succeeded and failed in areas related to your decision. Also, seek information from external sources, including studies, market research, and, in some cases, evaluation from paid consultants.
For example- I would gather information for Past purchases done by company. Gather information from Our suppliers etc.
3. Identify the alternatives
With relevant information now at your fingertips, identify possible solutions to your problem. There is usually more than one option to consider when trying to meet a goal.
for example- We either purchase from wholesaler or we can purchase directly from Company like HP, HCL,Lenovo etc.
4. Weigh the evidence
Once you have identified multiple alternatives, weigh the evidence for or against said alternatives. At this step, we would see what brand or company is giving the best offer. our decision would be weigh on cost, service, response,quality etc.
5. Choose among alternatives
Here is the part of the decision-making process where you, you know, make the decision. for example- we choose HP because this company offer high quality PC at low cost and deliver on time.
6. Take action
At this stage, we take action where we make plan of action. for example- we decide to go for HP to purchase PC directly from the company. so we would create purchase request and send to company and initiate the payment on delivery.
7-Evaluate the decision-
At this stage, we evaluate and review our decision. For example- The purchased PC are according to our expectation and standard so our decision was good.