In: Computer Science
Given a Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN), identify and analyze the inherent weaknesses and exposures, identify control techniques commonly used to provide security of data and control over access to the network, and demonstrate how a security plan functions to safeguard against unauthorized network access.
LAN and WAN Weaknesses and exposures:
In a LAN, the administrator has the authority to access personal details of the users on that network. A LAN administrator also has access to their internet history and computer use history. This is a serious privacy violation. Secondly, If the LAN Administer does not secure the centralised data resource in an organization properly then unauthorized users can access important data, which is a threat to security. In case of a WAN, the internal security threats are major. Viruses and corrupt files can be transmitted from one device to another in the network, which can also result into damage of the network resources.
LAN and WAN Networks security control measures:
In LANs, the most commonly used security measure is the use of Firewall softwares on the individual computer devices connected to the local area network. The Firewall provides security against the unauthorized access to the private or personal information of a computer device on a network. Secondly, passwords can be can be secured and encrypted using protocols like WPA, WPA2. In WANs, VPN technique is used to connect users to the network in order to establish a safe and private connection. VPN is the Virtual Private Network which uses encryption for data transmission. It is secure and reliable.
Hope it helps :)