In: Computer Science
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Stakeholder's are very important part of any business, for protecting the Park Area considering the security and risk are very crucial thing.
The main responsibility of the Jurassic World Theme Park is to protecting the all the visitors, staff, employee's, and wild animals. It is essential to develop the security team to share a work load among themselves to reduce the risk factors. Maintain an open communications with stakeholder's and relationships for better solutions and avoid risks. The security team main task is putting together and be proactive, highlights the weakness and work on them, and develop a safe and risk free theme park area and implement a security plan.
Establish a security task force: The main step towards the successful safety and secure park area is to establish a task force. The best thing is to always operating the task, consent and support. Establish a cooperative and productive relationship with all others departments.
Prepare for a risk assessment: Preparation is critical that means getting all the information of the park area is very essential, gathering, formation and modification of the security loopholes are the crucial things. Two way communication between stakeholder's and various department will always give us better solutions.
Setting up long term a and short goals for better security, after completely know risk assessment, review the findings with your security solution. By preparing better policies, procedures, and checklists will avoid the risks of the park area.
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