
In: Computer Science

Using JAVA Create a class Client. Your Client class should include the following attributes: Company Name...

Using JAVA

Create a class Client. Your Client class should include the following attributes:

Company Name (string)

Company id (string)

Billing address (string)

Billing city (string)

Billing state (string)

Write a constructor to initialize the above Employee attributes.

Create another class HourlyClient that inherits from the Client class.   HourClient must use the inherited parent class variables and add in hourlyRate and hoursBilled. Your Hourly Client class should contain a constructor that calls the constructor from the Client class to initialize the common instance variables but also initializes the hourlyRate and hoursBilled. Add a billing method to HourlyClient to calculate the amount due from a service provided. Note that billing amount is hourly rate * hoursBilled

Create a test class that prompts the user for the information for five hourly clients, creates an ArrayList of 5 hourly client objects, display the attributes and billing for each of the five hourly clients. Display the company name and billing amount for each company and the total billing amount for all five companies.


Expert Solution

If you have any problem with the code feel free to comment.


import java.util.ArrayList;

class Client {
   //instance variables
   //its protected for inheritance purpose
   protected String name, address, city, state;
   protected int id;
   //parameterized constructor
   public Client(String name, String address, String city, String state, int id) { = name;
       this.address = address; = city;
       this.state = state; = id;

class HourlyClient extends Client{
   //instance variables
   private int hrRate, hrBill;

   public HourlyClient(String name, String address, String city, String state, int id, int hrRate, int hrBill) {
       super(name, address, city, state, id);//calling Client constructor
       this.hrRate = hrRate;
       this.hrBill = hrBill;
   public int amountDue() {//calculating billing amount
       return hrRate * hrBill;
   @Override//shoiwng comapny name and billing amount
   public String toString() {
       return "Name: "+name+" Billing Amount: "+amountDue();

public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int total =0;
       ArrayList<HourlyClient> ar = new ArrayList<>();
       //dummy data change it accordingly
       ar.add(new HourlyClient("Fast Food", "3744 Collins Street", "Tampa", "Florida", 1231, 300, 40));
       ar.add(new HourlyClient("Classic Ornaments", "3744 Collins Street", "Tampa", "Florida", 1232, 120, 20));
       ar.add(new HourlyClient("Fruits ltd.", "3744 Collins Street", "Tampa", "Florida", 1233, 150, 40));
       ar.add(new HourlyClient("Vegetable ltd", "3744 Collins Street", "Tampa", "Florida", 1234, 200, 60));
       ar.add(new HourlyClient("Meat ltd", "3744 Collins Street", "Tampa", "Florida", 1235, 400, 50));
       System.out.println("--------------List of Comapnies--------------");
       for(HourlyClient i: ar) {
           total+= i.amountDue();//calculating total billing amount
       System.out.println("Total Billing Amount: "+total);


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