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Using C# visual basics Can someone show a calculator with a button that does a While...

Using C# visual basics

Can someone show a calculator with a button that does a While LOOP about 10x time and does a print out of a name 10x


Expert Solution

Public Class calculator

    ' two numbers to do the calc

    Dim num1, num2 As Double

     ' check if an operator is clicked for the first time

    Dim oprClickCount As Integer = 0

     ' check if an operator is clicked befor

    Dim isOprClick As Boolean = False

     ' check if equal is clicked befor

    Dim isEqualClick As Boolean = False

     ' get the operator

    Dim opr As String

    Private Sub calculator_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        ' add click event to all button in the form

        For Each c As Control In Controls

            ' if the control is button

            If c.GetType() = GetType(Button) Then

                If Not c.Text.Equals("Reset") Then

                   ' add action to the button

                    AddHandler c.Click, AddressOf btn_Click

                End If


            End If


    End Sub

    ' create a button click event

    Private Sub btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

        Dim button As Button = sender

        If Not isOperator(button) Then

            ' if number

            If isOprClick Then

                ' if an opr is clicked

                ' get and convert to double textbox text

                num1 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

                ' clear textbox text

                TextBox1.Text = ""

            End If

            If Not TextBox1.Text.Contains(".") Then

                ' if "." not already in the textbox

                If TextBox1.Text.Equals("0") AndAlso Not button.Text.Equals(".") Then

                    TextBox1.Text = button.Text

                    isOprClick = False


                    TextBox1.Text += button.Text

                    isOprClick = False

                End If

            ElseIf Not button.Text.Equals(".") Then

                ' if the button is not a "."

                TextBox1.Text += button.Text

                isOprClick = False

            End If


          ' if operator

            If oprClickCount = 0 Then

                ' if we click on an operator for the first time

                oprClickCount += 1

                num1 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

                opr = button.Text

                isOprClick = True


                If Not button.Text.Equals("=") Then

                    ' if the button is not "="

                    If Not isEqualClick Then

                        ' if "=" is not clicked befor

                        num2 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

                        TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(calc(opr, num1, num2))

                        num2 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

                        opr = button.Text

                        isOprClick = True

                        isEqualClick = False


                        isEqualClick = False

                        opr = button.Text

                    End If


                    num2 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)

                    TextBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(calc(opr, num1, num2))

                    num1 = Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text)                   

                    isOprClick = True

                    isEqualClick = True

                End If

            End If

        End If

    End Sub

    ' create a function to check if the button is a number or an operator

    Function isOperator(ByVal btn As Button) As Boolean

        Dim btnText As String

        btnText = btn.Text

        If (btnText.Equals("+") Or btnText.Equals("-") Or btnText.Equals("/") Or

            btnText.Equals("X") Or btnText.Equals("=")) Then

            Return True


            Return False

        End If

    End Function

    ' create a function to do the calc

    Function calc(ByVal op As String, ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double) As Double


        Dim result As Double

        result = 0

        Select Case op

            Case "+"

                result = n1 + n2

            Case "-"

                result = n1 - n2

            Case "X"

                result = n1 * n2

            Case "/"

                If n2 <> 0 Then

                    result = n1 / n2

                End If

        End Select

        Return result

    End Function

    Private Sub ButtonReset_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonReset.Clic

        num1 = 0

        num2 = 0

        opr = ""

        oprClickCount = 0

        isOprClick = False

        isEqualClick = False

        TextBox1.Text = "0"

    End Sub

End Class

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