
In: Computer Science

Do not use awk. Using the fixed length field file called famous.dat, make a one-line Unix...

Do not use awk.

Using the fixed length field file called famous.dat, make a one-line Unix command - using pipe(s) - to display an alphabetical list of the last and first names in upper case of the last 8 people in the file. Hint: Names are in columns 6 through 35. Output is this..

DARWIN         CHARLES      
EINSTEIN       ALBERT       
GOLDMAN        EMMA         
LOVELACE       ADA          
MANDELA        NELSON       
PARKS          ROSA         

Hint:  famous.dat uses space(s) to separate the fields


Expert Solution


pipes are the components in unix that are used to carry on the output on one command to the next one.


tail is used to print the specified number of rows from last of the file.


The cut command is used to perform vertical selection of columns from the file or output that is passed on to it.


tail -8 famous.dat | cut -d " " -f 6,35 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'


In the above command,the tail command is used to select the last 8 rows from the file famous.dat

The output is passed on to the next command using pipe

The cut is used to select the first and last name fields using delimiter as spaces between the fields.

This output is passed on to the next command using pipe.

This contains the first and last names of the people.

The tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'  command is used to convert the data to Upper case format.

This output is then passed on to be displayed through the terminal.

The screenshot of execution is attached below for the reference.


The data file that is used to perform operations is shown.


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