In: Psychology
Identify each part of the nervous system associated with each of the following activities: (Correct answer is written in parentheses,)
Balancing on a tight rope (cerebellum)
Clapping your hands (pons)
Waking up when the alarm goes off (reticular formation)
Feeling hungry (hypothalamus)
Understanding your psychology professor’s lecture (Wernicke’s area)
Planning your route to drive home (frontal lobe)
Becoming enraged when someone cuts you in line (limbic system)
Talking on your cell phone (Broca’s area)
Hearing your favorite music group on your smartphone (auditory area)
Feeling drops of rain on your face (somatosensory area)
Seeing a traffic light change color (visual cortex)
Breathing while you sleep (medulla)
Pushing the “open” button on the computer when a page has downloaded (thalamus)
Cerebellum is the part of hind brain and coordinates and control voluntary movements.
Motor cortex is the part of cerebral cortes, located at the back of frontal lobe. It regulates planning and control f movements such as claaping hands, smiles, etc.
it is present throughout the brain stem. It regulated wakefulness and sleep.
It is located near pituitary gland and responsible for the regulation of biological motivations such as hunger, thirst, etc and homeostasis of body.
It is located in left temporal area, it responsible for the comprehension of speech.
Frontal lobe controls all higher cognitive processes such as planning, decision- making, mental map, memory, etc and motor cortex is the part of frontal lobe that help to execute plan.
Limbic system is a structure consists of several parts, it is situated deep in frontal lobe. It is responsible for behavioral and emotional responses.
This structure is located in left frontal lobe. It is responsible for the production of speech.
The temporal lobe is involved in processing sensory input into derived meanings for the appropriate retention of visual memory, language comprehension, and emotion association.
Somatosensory area is located at front side of parietal that responsible for senses of touch.
It is the visual processing center that consists of visual cortex.
Medulla is the long part of brain stem. It is responsible for life sustaining functions such as breathing, swallowing, sneezing.
Thalamus is the relay station of brain.