In: Computer Science
Build a binary search tree with the following words. Insert them in an order so that the tree has as small a depth as possible. (Consider the insertion order of the words) Print the tree after,also, any, back, because, come, day, even, first, give, how, its, look, most, new, now, only, other, our, over, than, then, these, think, two, us, use, want, way, well, work.
To implement a Binary Search Tree, we'll need to do the following:
Here's the code:
using namespace std;
struct bst //our bst struct that defines a node
string data;
struct bst *left, *right;
struct bst *newNode(string key) //to create a new node from a
struct bst *temp = new struct bst();
temp->data = key;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL; //left and right of the new
node are set null and are later updated when we add any node to
it's left or right side.
return temp;
struct bst* insertNode(struct bst* node, string key) //to insert
a new node in the binary search tree
if (node == NULL)
return newNode(key); //if the node is, we basically
just have to create a new node because here the value is supposed
to be actually inserted.
//if tree is not empty find the proper place to insert new
if (key < node->data) //if key is smaller move to the left
sub tree
node->left = insertNode(node->left, key); //keep
looking in the subtrees until right location is reached
node->right = insertNode(node->right, key); //we
move to right sub tree if key is bigger than root passed
return node; //return the node after adding the new key
void printBT(string prefix, bst* node, int isLeft)
if( node != NULL )
cout << (isLeft ? "|--" : "|->" ); //this will
print |-- for left node and |-> for right node
cout << node->data << endl; //after the
prefix we can print value
printBT( prefix+(isLeft ? "| " : " "), node->left,
1); //pass 1 for isLeft arguement for the left node
after adding some appropriate prefix acc to the current node.
printBT( prefix+(isLeft ? "| " : " "), node->right, 0);//pass
0(false) for isLeft arguement for right node
void insert(bst *& root, string values[], int start, int
end){ //to insert nodes in appropriate manner
//similar condition to binary search
int mid =
(end+start)/2; // take the mid of all values
root =
insertNode(root,values[mid]); //add the value to the
insert(root,values,start,mid-1); //repeat the same for
left sub tree
insert(root,values,mid+1,end); //repeat the same for
right sub tree
int main()
string words[] = {"after","also", "any", "back", "because", "come",
"day", "even", "first", "give", "how", "its", "look", "most",
"new", "now", "only", "other", "our", "over", "than", "then",
"these", "think", "two", "us", "use", "want", "way", "well",
struct bst *root = NULL; //our tree
int length =sizeof(words)/sizeof(words[0]); //to find
length of input string array
insert(root,words,0,length-1); //insert elements
cout<<"Binary Search Tree created:"<<endl;
printBT("", root, 0); //print the tree
return 0;
Sample Output:
You can see that in the tree only 5 levels(maximum) are there in any sub tree of the tree and considering the input of 31 values it can be theoretically verified using the formula floor(log2(N))+1 which when we put N=31 gives 5.
That's all. Please leave an upvote if you found it helpful, I hope it helped!