In: Operations Management
How policies and regulations can improve the development in medical tourism in Asia. (be more specific)
Medical tourism is all about people travelling to other countries for getting medical treatments. Initially the west was the preferred medical tourism destination for people across the world as they had better medical expertise, equipment as well as facilities. However with time, the East has evolved and is emerging to become the favorite destination for medical tourism. The primary reason being that healthcare is more affordable in countries like India and China.
Still, people do have certain inhibitions about preferring Asia as the spot for medical tourism. People are scared of being conned or robbed as well as not getting effective treatment. They feel that healthcare in Asia still lacks the professionalism of the West. To solve these inhibitions and to make Asia the preferred spot for medical tourism, the government of different involved nations must make the law and enforcement more stricter in this sector. Government regulations must be tightened to keep any kind of treatment deviations in controls. heavy punitive measures like hefty fines as well as suspension of license can be done to the frauds who are found conning or bluffing patients and extracting money from them in the name of treatment. Independent auditing and regulating committees can also be set up to keep a check on compliance adherence. This way, the overall effectiveness of healthcare can be improved in Asia and it can emerge as the favorite spot for medical tourism.