Three strategy options for competing in emerging markets
- Diversification and Alliances
- Implementation of the 80-20 rule
- Investment in new technologies and furthur research.
Lets discuss the options one by one.
- Diversification and Alliances: The vision of major businesses
has changed from the improvement and development of a single
product to the introduction of multiple products in the recent era.
Most companies which had a single product policy tends to create a
kind of monopoly and large profits in its initial period but fails
to withstand the competition from rivals with multiple products in
the long run. The consumer tends to get attracted to a new product
and this may help the first mover of the product initially.But as
the product becomes imitable and as new varieties of the product
becomes available with cheaper prices, then its just a choice from
among the lot for the consumers and thus the company with the
single product in their product line suffers the most. Many studies
have found that diversification of product lines has helped major
businesses in the 21st century in sustaining the market
pressures.And most of these companies were having non related
products in their diversification.Expanding the product line not
only helps in profits, but also increases the goodwill of the
company.Along with product diversification it is very much
necessary to introduce these products to new and foreign markets.
This is possible today only through alliances with more companies
and business groups and state governments. Strategic alliances,
Joint ventures, Mergers are all ways in which market is expanded by
reaching wider audiences in the existing market and introduction
into new and emerging markets respectively.
- Implementation of the 80-20 rule: The 80-20 principle should be
implemented in the management of your business in this evolving
market scenario.The Pareto rule of 20 percent of activities
contributing to 80 percent of operational efficiency holds very
much relevant in today's corporate scenario.This has led to the
widespread implementation of outsourcing strategy. The activities
related to the core business should only be handled by the company
and other auxilery and supporting activities should be outsourced
and sub contracted.The 80- 20 rule is also applicable to the
marketing strategies of a company or organisation. It should be
noted that 80 percent sales comes from the 20 percent of total
customers of the business.So it is very much important to define
the customer before preparation of the marketing plan and marketing
budgets. The specific target groups should be identified and steps
should be taken to increase the market penetration in areas of
larger customer base and programs and incentives should be
introduced to increase the customer satisfaction of key
- Investment in new technologies and furthur research: The major
problem faced by most corporates in todays business scenario is the
emerging technologies like AI and robotics and the improvements in
existing technologies like 4K and 3D printings. Investments in new
and emerging technologies is key to sustain in the emerging market.
Many corporates are reluctant to invest in advanced technologies
due to the high cost associated with these technologies. But the
results are negative for such business entities. Though the initial
cost is high , the profits associated with the use of these
technologies in the long run is tremendous. This is due to the fact
that the technologies like AI and machine learning increases the
quality of the products and services by improving the accuracy of
business and manufacturing processes associated with it. A research
and Development wing must be instituted for continued improvement
of products and services and to introduce more accurate and
efficient products so as to compete in the market with multiple