In: Psychology
Explain how community perceptions play into law enforcement Describe the value of community partnerships Provide examples of creative community partnerships
Perception is an important part of the world as it is the base of where we have reached today. We have perception of all the things around us say it the trees, sun, moon, nature etc. First of all we make perception for what we see or feel or hear and then react. what perception we are making may be right or wrong. For example, if we look back in our ancient times our ancestors used to think that the sun is moving and earth is static, but as time went on it was proved wrong. But the perception made that time is reflected in our culture as it gave birth to many rituals and worships etc.
So, perception always been a crucial part of our life in every field. In psychology perception is defined as " the interpretation and recognition about something by using sensory stimuli", which is recorded in our memory and make our perception about that particular thing.
Now we will move on to community perception. It may be explained as the perception about a group or a community. It definately plays a vital role in law enforcement.We can see around the world the debate is on that a particular community is responsible for war or some other is for spreading hatred and some community is recognised as peace maker and so on.So it is our community perception which forces us to thnk about a community in such way. Law enforcers also get effected by such perceptions. Some biases may happen because of this. For example if we have wrong perception about policemen then at the time of need we will definately avoid to call a police.On the other hand if there is a crime and policeman is biased towards the victim then the investigation may not be successfull.
Community partnership is a solution to all the wrong perceptions spread in our society, country and the whole world.As there is a famous quote " unity without variety is no better than conpiracy ". Community partnership should not only be local, state wise but national and international level also. We should be globally unite in the issue of community partnership.Schools are good example of community partenership in every level. Social media is an example of creative community partnerships where the whole world seems to be united in spite of difference of opinions.
The world needs such initiatives that each comunity get to know each other and improve their perceptions and replace the wrong ones with the right ones.Law enforcement will also get improved and will have no bias towards a particular community.