In: Computer Science
Consider the following schema:
Publisher (name, phone, city), PK: name.
Book (ISBN, title, year, published_by, previous_edition, price), PK: ISBN, FK: published_by refs Publisher, previous_edition refs Book.
Author (SSN, first_name, last_name, address, income), PK: SSN.
Write (aSSN, bISBN), PK: (aSSN, bISBN), FK: aSSN refs Author, bISBN refs Book.
Editor (SSN, first_name, last_name, address, salary, works_for, book_count), PK: SSN, FK: works_for refs Publisher.
Edit (eSSN, bISBN), PK: (eSSN, bISBN), FK: eSSN refs Editor, bISBN refs Book.
Author_Editor (aeSSN, hours), PK: aeSSN, FK: aeSSN refs Author, aeSSN refs Editor.
Give SQL statements for the following plain English language queries based on the above schema.
Hint: You may use views to hold intermediate results.
1. Provide the title, year, and publisher name of every book and the first name and last name of the editor of the book.
SELECT title, year, Published_by from Books
SELECT FirstName, LastName from Editor;
2.Provide the title of those books whose author’s last name is neither “Smith” nor “Doe”.
SELECT ISBN from Author
WHERE LastName != 'Smith', 'Deo' IN ( SELECT title from Book
WHERE ISBN = '1' ,'2' ,'3');
3.Provide the first name and last name of every author-editor who edits at least one book that is written by him or herself.
SELECT FirstName, LastName from Editor
WHERE ( aeSSN = eSSN);
4.Provide the title of the most expensive book published by the publisher named “ABC”.
SELECT MAX(price) as max_price from
WHERE (Published_by = 'ABC');
5.Provide the first name and the last name of those editors who have edited all the books written by John Smith.
SELECT FirstName, LastName from (
SELECT ISBN from Books
SELECT bISBN from Editor)
6.Give the title of those books that have more than 3 authors.
COUNT (*) occurrences
from Author
Select Book.title
from Book;
7.Show the number of books published in 2008 versus the number of books published in 2009 for every publisher.The result should have the following four columns: publisher_name, book_count_08, book_count 09, percentage of increase from 2008 to 2009
SELECT COUNT(year) from Book
WHERE year = 2008
SELECT COUNT(year) from Book
WHERE year = 2009
SELECT year, count() * 100.0 / (SELECT count () from Book);
8.Provide an SQL UPDATE statement that updates the book_count field of the Editor table by computing the number of books edited by each editor using nested queries.
SELECT Bookcount from Editor
WHERE Bookcount INENTITY (1,1);
9.For each publisher, find the title of the book that it publishes with the largest number of editors. The output should have two columns - one is the publisher’ name and the other is the title of the book found.
Works for,
COUNT(*) occurrences
from Book
Works for,
SELECT Book.title,
From Book;
11.Provide the name of each publisher that is located in ‘OKC’ and is one of the top three publishers in terms of the total amount of salary it pays its editors.
SELECT name from publisher WHERE ( city = 'OKC')
SELECT name from editor
WHERE IN ( SELECT eSSN, MAX(salary) as max_salary from Editor
GROUP BY salary;