
In: Computer Science

Add the following private attributes: String publisher String title String ISBN String imageName double price Create...

Add the following private attributes: String publisher

String title
String ISBN
String imageName double price

Create getter/setter methods for all data types

Create a constructor that takes in all attributes and sets them

Remove the default constructor

Override the toString() method and return a String that represents the book object that is

formatted nicely and contains all information (attributes)

In the main class:

Create a main method that throws FileNotFoundException

Import libraries

Import java.util.Scanner

Create a loop to read the file

Add and ArrayList to your main program to hold your books be sure to import java.util.ArrayList

Within your loop (each iteration)

Read a line of data into variables for publisher, title, ISBN, image name and price.

Instantiate a "Book" object using the constructor you created sending in the

information read from the file.

Add the book into the array list

Once your loop is complete, use a for each loop to print each book (using the book’s toString() method) in the ArrayList to the console.


Expert Solution

public class Book {
   //private attributes
   private String publisher;
   private String title;
   private String ISBN;
   private String imageName;
   private double price;

   //getter methods
   //method that returns publisher
   public String getPublisher()
       return publisher;

   //method that returns title
   public String getTitle()
       return title;

   //method that returns ISBN
   public String getISBN()
       return ISBN;

   //method the returns imageName
   public String getImageName()
       return imageName;

   //method that returns price
   private double getPrice()
       return price;

   //setter methods
   //method that sets publisher
   public void setPublisher(String strPublisher)
       this.publisher = strPublisher;

   //method that sets title
   public void setTitle(String strTitle)
       this.title = strTitle;

   //method that sets ISBN
   public void setISBN(String strISBN)
       this.ISBN = strISBN;

   //method the sets imageName
   public void setImageName(String strImageName)
       this.imageName = strImageName;

   //method that sets price
   private void setPrice(double dblPrice)
       this.price = dblPrice;

   //constructor that takes in all attributes and sets them
   public Book(String strPublisher, String strTitle, String strISBN, String strImageName, double dblPrice)

   //override toString method
   public String toString()
       return "Publisher: " + getPublisher() + "\tTitle: " + getTitle() + "\tISBN: " + getISBN()
       + "\tImage Name: " + getImageName() + "\tPrice: $" + getPrice();

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
       //Create object to the scanner class
       Scanner input= new Scanner(;
       //read the filename
       String fileName;
       System.out.print("Enter the name of the file: ");
       fileName = input.nextLine();
       //create an arraylist to hold books
       ArrayList<Book> listOfBooks = new ArrayList<Book>();
       //create an object for BufferedReader class to read the file
       BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
       //variable declarations
       String line;
       String publisher;
       String title;
       String ISBN;
       String imageName;
       double price;
       //run a loop to read the file until the end of the file is reached
       while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
           //since we might have names containing spaces i used ','(comma) as delimiter in the text file
           String[] info = line.split(",");
           //store book information in their respective variables
           publisher = info[0];
           title = info[1];
           ISBN = info[2];
           imageName = info[3];
           price = Double.parseDouble(info[4]);
           //create Book object
           Book newBook = new Book(publisher, title, ISBN, imageName, price);
           //add book to the arraylist
       //close the reader
       //print the book array list using for loop
       System.out.println("\nList Of Books read: ");
       for(int i = 0; i < listOfBooks.size(); i++)


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