
In: Economics

Chapter 2 Constitution. Reflection paper; Describe the ideas behind the American Revolution and their role in...

Chapter 2 Constitution. Reflection paper; Describe the ideas behind the American Revolution and their role in shaping the Constitution. 300 words


Expert Solution

The American Revolution was a political and ideological revolution which occured in colonial North America between 1765 and 1783. The American Revolution was founded by the belief in natural rights, the responsibility of the government to protect private property, consent of the governed, limited government and the equality of the citizens. The basic ideas like liberty, equality, and justice paved a way to American Revolution. People in America was under the control of Monarchs and the revolution there emerged the idea of self rule. This revolution played an important role in shaping American Constitution. Demographic tradition was developed by the American colonies at the time of their early development. The revolution was not occured in one day. It took many years and people fighted for their independence and freedom. They need equality and rights because the common people suffered lot under monarchial power. The British government began to impose new taxes and laws. The colonists were not happy with the laws and taxes. They said that they will not pay taxes because they dont have any representatives in the British Parliament. The colonists weere against this taxes and laws and they made protests in Boston. Like that British also implemented many other new laws named Intolerable Acts.The increased law punished colonial people and they faced somany hardships. This cruel laws made more unity between the colonies of America. The colonists made First Continental Congress for their direct response to the Intolerance Acts. They also established a boycott of British goods. These all results to the beginning of war by the colonist against the British rule.

A constitution is refered as a nations basic law. It will asssign and divide powers in government and also provide certain guarantee to its citizens. American Revolution helped the colonists to get their independence from the British and they started to enjoy the benafits of self governance. The colonist deanded for a good government and they got the chance for getting a better ruling systemthen Parliament. Through the self government by the colonist, they become efficient to create the Constitution. Constitution helped the people to escape from all the sufferngs they faced earlier. They got freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition etc.. Revolution results to create a national government with legislative, executive and judiciary. Constitution divides the power between the federal government and the states. Mainly, the Constitution of America protects various individual liberties of American citizens.  Through the establishment of Constitution, people get freedom, equality and there is no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, language, gender etc.

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