
In: Computer Science

Develop a program to maintain a Linked List of homework assignments name and due date. When...

Develop a program to maintain a Linked List of homework assignments name and due date. When an assignment is assigned, add it to the list, and when it is completed, remove it. You should keep track of the due date. Your program should provide the following services each contained within its own method:

  • Add a new assignment.
  • Remove an assignment.
  • Provide a list of the assignments in the order they were assigned.
  • Find the assignment(s) with the earliest due date

-The commands are input from the user keyboard as well as the Assignment Names and the Assignment Due Dates. All entered by the user.

-Coded with comments


Expert Solution

Linked List Program: -




using namespace std;


* Node Declaration


struct node


    int info;

    struct node *next;



* Class Declaration


class single_llist



        node* create_node(int);

        void insert_begin();

        void insert_pos();

        void insert_last();

        void delete_pos();

        void sort();

        void search();

        void update();

        void reverse();

        void display();



            start = NULL;




* Main :contains menu




    int choice, nodes, element, position, i;

    single_llist sl;

    start = NULL;

    while (1)



        cout<<endl<<"Operations on singly linked list"<<endl;


        cout<<"1.Insert Node at beginning"<<endl;

        cout<<"2.Insert node at last"<<endl;

        cout<<"3.Insert node at position"<<endl;

        cout<<"4.Sort Link List"<<endl;

        cout<<"5.Delete a Particular Node"<<endl;

        cout<<"6.Update Node Value"<<endl;

        cout<<"7.Search Element"<<endl;

        cout<<"8.Display Linked List"<<endl;

        cout<<"9.Reverse Linked List "<<endl;

        cout<<"10.Exit "<<endl;

        cout<<"Enter your choice : ";




        case 1:

            cout<<"Inserting Node at Beginning: "<<endl;




        case 2:

            cout<<"Inserting Node at Last: "<<endl;




        case 3:

            cout<<"Inserting Node at a given position:"<<endl;




        case 4:

            cout<<"Sort Link List: "<<endl;




        case 5:

            cout<<"Delete a particular node: "<<endl;



        case 6:

            cout<<"Update Node Value:"<<endl;




        case 7:

            cout<<"Search element in Link List: "<<endl;




        case 8:

            cout<<"Display elements of link list"<<endl;




        case 9:

            cout<<"Reverse elements of Link List"<<endl;




        case 10:





            cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;





* Creating Node


node *single_llist::create_node(int value)


    struct node *temp, *s;

   temp = new(struct node);

    if (temp == NULL)


        cout<<"Memory not allocated "<<endl;

        return 0;




        temp->info = value;

        temp->next = NULL;    

        return temp;




* Inserting element in beginning


void single_llist::insert_begin()


    int value;

    cout<<"Enter the value to be inserted: ";


    struct node *temp, *p;

    temp = create_node(value);

    if (start == NULL)


        start = temp;

        start->next = NULL;         




        p = start;

        start = temp;

        start->next = p;


    cout<<"Element Inserted at beginning"<<endl;



* Inserting Node at last


void single_llist::insert_last()


    int value;

    cout<<"Enter the value to be inserted: ";


    struct node *temp, *s;

    temp = create_node(value);

    s = start;

    while (s->next != NULL)


        s = s->next;       


    temp->next = NULL;

    s->next = temp;

    cout<<"Element Inserted at last"<<endl;



* Insertion of node at a given position


void single_llist::insert_pos()


    int value, pos, counter = 0;

    cout<<"Enter the value to be inserted: ";


    struct node *temp, *s, *ptr;

    temp = create_node(value);

    cout<<"Enter the postion at which node to be inserted: ";


    int i;

    s = start;

    while (s != NULL)


        s = s->next;



    if (pos == 1)


        if (start == NULL)


            start = temp;

            start->next = NULL;




            ptr = start;

            start = temp;

            start->next = ptr;



    else if (pos > 1 && pos <= counter)


        s = start;

        for (i = 1; i < pos; i++)


            ptr = s;

            s = s->next;


        ptr->next = temp;

        temp->next = s;




        cout<<"Positon out of range"<<endl;




* Sorting Link List


void single_llist::sort()


    struct node *ptr, *s;

    int value;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"The List is empty"<<endl;



    ptr = start;

    while (ptr != NULL)


        for (s = ptr->next;s !=NULL;s = s->next)


            if (ptr->info > s->info)


                value = ptr->info;

                ptr->info = s->info;

                s->info = value;



        ptr = ptr->next;




* Delete element at a given position


void single_llist::delete_pos()


    int pos, i, counter = 0;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"List is empty"<<endl;



    cout<<"Enter the position of value to be deleted: ";


    struct node *s, *ptr;

    s = start;

    if (pos == 1)


        start = s->next;




        while (s != NULL)


            s = s->next;



        if (pos > 0 && pos <= counter)


            s = start;

            for (i = 1;i < pos;i++)


                ptr = s;

                s = s->next;


            ptr->next = s->next;




            cout<<"Position out of range"<<endl;



        cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;




* Update a given Node


void single_llist::update()


    int value, pos, i;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"List is empty"<<endl;



    cout<<"Enter the node postion to be updated: ";


    cout<<"Enter the new value: ";


    struct node *s, *ptr;

    s = start;

    if (pos == 1)


        start->info = value;




        for (i = 0;i < pos - 1;i++)


            if (s == NULL)


              cout<<"There are less than "<<pos<<" elements";



            s = s->next;


        s->info = value;


    cout<<"Node Updated"<<endl;



* Searching an element


void single_llist::search()


    int value, pos = 0;

    bool flag = false;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"List is empty"<<endl;



    cout<<"Enter the value to be searched: ";


    struct node *s;

    s = start;

    while (s != NULL)



        if (s->info == value)


            flag = true;

            cout<<"Element "<<value<<" is found at position "<<pos<<endl;


        s = s->next;


    if (!flag)

        cout<<"Element "<<value<<" not found in the list"<<endl;



* Reverse Link List


void single_llist::reverse()


    struct node *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"List is empty"<<endl;



    if (start->next == NULL)




    ptr1 = start;

    ptr2 = ptr1->next;

    ptr3 = ptr2->next;

    ptr1->next = NULL;

    ptr2->next = ptr1;

    while (ptr3 != NULL)


        ptr1 = ptr2;

        ptr2 = ptr3;

        ptr3 = ptr3->next;

        ptr2->next = ptr1;        


    start = ptr2;



* Display Elements of a link list


void single_llist::display()


    struct node *temp;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"The List is Empty"<<endl;



    temp = start;

    cout<<"Elements of list are: "<<endl;

    while (temp != NULL)



        temp = temp->next;




Output: -

Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

The List is Empty.


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 5

Delete a particular node:

List is empty


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 6

Update Node Value:

List is empty


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 7

Search element in Link List:

List is empty


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 3

Inserting Node at a given position:

Enter the value to be inserted: 1010

Enter the postion at which node to be inserted: 5

Positon out of range


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 1

Inserting Node at Beginning:

Enter the value to be inserted: 100

Element Inserted at beginning


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 1

Inserting Node at Beginning:

Enter the value to be inserted: 200

Element Inserted at beginning


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 2

Inserting node at last:

Enter the value to be inserted: 50

Element Inserted at last


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 2

Inserting node at last:

Enter the value to be inserted: 150

Element Inserted at last


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 3

Inserting node at a given position:

Enter the value to be inserted: 1111

Enter the position at which node to be inserted: 4


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 3

Inserting node at a given position:

Enter the value to be inserted: 1010

Enter the position at which node to be inserted: 100

Position out of range


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 5

Delete a Particular node:

Enter the position of value to be deleted: 1


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 6

Update Node Value:

Enter the node position to be updated: 1

Enter the new value: 1010

Node Updated


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 7

Search element in Link List:

Enter the value to be searched: 50

Element 50 is found at position 2


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 9

Reverse elements of Link List


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 4

Sort Link List:


Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 8

Display elements of link list

Elements of list are:



Operations on singly linked list


1.Insert Node at beginning

2.Insert node at last

3.Insert node at position

4.Sort Link List

5.Delete a Particular Node

6.Update Node Value

7.Search Element

8.Display Linked List

9.Reverse Linked List


Enter your choice : 10


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