In: Accounting
Please answer all questions
Select the best answer for each of the following unrelated items.
For financial information to be useful, the information should be both relevant and reliable. RRA information lacks reliability because of frequent estimate changes and error corrections. RRA information is relevant because it is based on future cash flows and hence option 1) is incorrect. Option 3) is incorrect. RRA is indeed supplementary information, but its usefulness is low because its reliability is low, not because it is supplementary information. A common 10% discount factor could reduce RRA’s reliability and hence its usefulness. But option 2) is a better answer than option 4) because it addresses RRA’s reliability in its entirety.
Option 2) is correct because the information approach has always had a measurement component, such as ceiling tests and lower of cost or market. Option 1) is incorrect because RRA is supplemental information only and not used to recognize assets and liabilities in financial statements. Option 3) is incorrect because the information approach uses amortized cost to recognize year-end assets and not value in use. Option 4) is incorrect because IFRS permits the revaluation option unconditionally.
The genesis of the agency problem lies in the fact that managers’ efforts are not observable by owners and this gives rise to compensation components like bonuses and stock options. Thus option 1) is a better answer than option 4), which follows from option 1). Option 3) and option 2) do not cause agency problems and are incorrect.
Even if the regulation does not indicate the nature of disclosure that firms are required to make, the accountant needs to act ethically and encourage firms to adopt a policy of full disclosure. This will not only benefit the firm by lowering its cost of capital but also benefit society by ensuring that resource allocation in the economy is carried out in an optimal manner. Thus, options 2) and 3) are incorrect. There is no evidence that voluntary disclosures will eliminate anomalies. Thus, option 4) is incorrect.
The reason why firms disclose low-persistence items is that shareholders are interested in the components of earnings that are likely to persist into the future. These persistent items of earnings are valued by shareholders rather than transitory items. Option 2) is incorrect because managerial compensation is more related to high-persistence rather than low-persistence items. Option 3) is incorrect because while some low-persistence items do reverse, not all do, thus option 1) is a better answer than option 3). Option 4) is incorrect because investors do not value low-persistence items.
None of the other options create a moral hazard problem between
the lender and the borrower. Payment of excessive dividends leaves
less funds for the lenders to be repaid and might cause a moral
hazard problem. Thus, options 2), 3), and 4) are incorrect.
The problem of unanimity arises when shareholders (investors) and
managers do not agree about the amount of information the firm
should produce. Shareholders demand more information than the
manager wants to release. This gives rise to the problem of lack of
unanimity. The problem is not one that might arise if different
investors or different managers disagree amongst themselves about
the amount of information, or if managers and auditors disagree
either. Thus options 1), 2), and 3) are incorrect.
Using a second performance measure makes for a more efficient
compensation contract than a contract based on one measure only, as
long as the second measure provides some extra information about
managerial effort. The most efficient contract is achieved when net
income and share prices are not correlated. Thus, option 1) is
incorrect. Option 2) is incorrect because the second performance
measure has the potential to add more information about managers’
effort. Using a fixed salary does not provide any extra information
about managerial effort and thus option 4) is incorrect.
The owner achieves maximum utility when the first-best contract is
available; the owner achieves the maximum attainable utility while
providing the manager his or her reservation utility. This can
happen only if the manager’s effort is observable or can be
directly inferred. Agency cost is the reduction in the principal’s
utility when the first-best contract cannot be attained. Thus,
options 1), 3), and 4) are incorrect.