
In: Computer Science

How would you code players taking turns, while having a score system. Please add examples in...

How would you code players taking turns, while having a score system. Please add examples in C++.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

int dieRoll();
int humanTurn(int);
int computerTurn(int);

int main()
        int humanTotalScore = 0, computerTotalScore = 0;
        //loop to keep playing until someone scores 100+
                humanTotalScore = humanTotalScore + humanTurn(humanTotalScore); //add the score from a new turn to the running total
                cout << "Your total score so far is " << humanTotalScore << "." << endl;
                if(humanTotalScore >= 100)
                        cout << "You win!";
                computerTotalScore = computerTotalScore + computerTurn(computerTotalScore); //add the score from a new turn to the running total
                cout << "CPU total score so far is " << computerTotalScore << "." << endl;
                if(computerTotalScore >= 100)
                        cout << "Computer wins!";
        while(humanTotalScore < 100 && computerTotalScore < 100);
        return 0;

//simulate rolling of die
int dieRoll()
                return (rand() % 6) + 1; //call to rand() returns 0-5, + 1 to give range 1-6, best way to avoid impossible die roll of 0

int humanTurn(int humanTotalScore)
        int thisTurnScore = 0, score = 0;
        char rollOrHold;
        //loop to keep going as long the player chooses Roll Again or a 1 is thrown
                        score = dieRoll(); //roll the die
                if(score == 1)
                        cout << "You rolled a 1.  End of turn." << endl;
                thisTurnScore = thisTurnScore + score; //running total for this turn only
                cout << "You rolled a " << score << ".  Score so far this turn is " << thisTurnScore << "." << endl;
                cout << "Roll again (r) or Hold (h)? ";
                cin >> rollOrHold;
        while(rollOrHold == 'r' || rollOrHold == 'R');
        if(rollOrHold == 'h' || rollOrHold == 'H') return thisTurnScore; //finsh turn and return total score if player chooses to Hold
        return 0; //will only get this far if player rolled a 1

int computerTurn(int computerTotalScore)
        int thisTurnScore = 0, score = 0;
        //loop to keep going as long the CPU score for this turn is less than 20
                score = dieRoll(); //roll the dice
                if(score == 1)
                        cout << "CPU rolled a 1.  End of turn." << endl;
                thisTurnScore = thisTurnScore + score; //running total for this turn only
                cout << "CPU rolled a " << score << ".  Score so far this turn is " << thisTurnScore << "." << endl;
        while(thisTurnScore < 20);

        //finsh turn and return total score if the CPU scored 20+
        if(thisTurnScore >= 20)
                cout << "CPU holds." << endl;
                return thisTurnScore;
        return 0; //will only get this far if CPU rolled a 1

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