In: Computer Science
A department employs up to thirty employees, but an employee is employed by one department. For each employee you need to store unique employee Id, name, address and salary. Departments are identified by department Id and also have a name. Some employees are not assigned to any department. A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by one division. An employee may be assigned at the most three projects, and a project may have at the most six employees assigned to it. A project may have at least one employee assigned to it. Each project is identified by unique name and has a budget. A project can be related to other projects. There can be many related projects. One of the employees manages each department, and each department is managed by only one employee. One of the employees runs each division, and each division is run by only one employee. For each division, store unique Id and name.
a) Design a conceptual diagram from the above information.
b) Develop a logical data model for the database.
c) Explain the importance of data modelling.
Importance of data modeling :
Data models work as a simplified abstraction of reality. In a real hospital, each patient is different and must be treated individually. In software, however, we talk about an abstract patient. The same applies for restaurants and any other field. Each time, you need to make decisions about what information is important and should be included in the data model and what to omit. In a hospital, you should know the gender of the patient. But the gender of the same person won’t be of much importance in a restaurant. In complex applications, you often need to answer hundreds of such questions before you write a single line of code.
Data modeling makes it easier to integrate high-level business processes with data rules, data structures, and the technical implementation of your physical data. Data models provide synergy to how your business operates and how it uses data in a way that everyone can understand.
#follow providing conceptual diagram and logical data model
Logical data model diagram::