In: Psychology
In the modern world, it has been observed that the existence of God has become a famous topic of philosophy and it was associated with epistemology and ontology. There are many philosophers who argued on the existence of god and provided cosmological arguments.
It has been observed from the philosophical definition of god that the meaning of god with and without the universe is the same. Many other philosophers has discussed that God is the entity that presently answering prayers to raise opinions.
It has been observed from the atheistic conclusion that there are insufficient reasons to believe the existence fo god. It has been observed that if the man failed to depict any reason in order to believe that there is an existence fo god then he or she should not believe in god.
It has been observed that in natural science the people used to study the nature of God. Many researchers have proved that it is irrelevant to state that there is the existence of god. Therefore it can be stated that the existence of God cannot be proven but it can be assumed that there is an existence of god through the arguments.