In: Operations Management
Porter's value chain analysis for Facebook=
Identify competitive advantage sources
With the help of the value chain analysis, Facebook can find out the different sources of competitive advantages during the planning process. It is a well-known fact that any organization is a collection of various activities which share some common objectives with each other. All the activities cannot be traded in the external market by Facebook. As per value chain analysis, there are three main activities that can be considered by any organization as economic rent sources. These activities will help the company to impose the barriers to new entrants or impose cost disadvantages to the competitors.
Identify complex inter-relationships and interdependencies
With the help of value chain analysis, Facebook will be able to identify the different internal and external relationships among the various processes. The different internal connections can be seen as interrelationship that exists among the activities within the organization and external linkages represents the relationships existing between the business units of a similar or different organization. With the help of the analysis of these interrelationships, a lot of advantages can be enjoyed by the organization from proper coordination and combined optimization
Improved flow of materials, information and finances
With the help of value chain analysis, Facebook can have optimization in the field of financial, product and information flow.