
In: Computer Science

public class GroceryCart { private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10; /* * Default constructor with...

public class GroceryCart {

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;


* Default constructor with zero arguments. This constructs a grocery

* cart with a default capacity of ten items.


public GroceryCart() {



* Alternate constructor which takes in a maxCapacity. This maxCapacity

* determines how many items can fit inside of this groceryCart.


public GroceryCart(int maxCapacity) {



* Adds an item to the grocery cart. Returns true if the item was added

* successfully (i.e. there was still room in the cart to add it.


public boolean addItem(String item, Double cost) {

return false;



* Removes the specified item from the cart. Returns true if the item was

* successfully removed (i.e. the item existed in the cart).


public boolean removeItem(String item) {

return false;



* Empties the cart of all contents.


public void emptyCart() {



* Returns a string representation of the carts contents. The contents

* should be printed out in alphabetical order. It should be of

* the form, "item:price, item:price, item:price". An example:

* "Green Beans:2.99, Milk:41.99, Rolled Oats:1.99, Zucchini:2.67"


public String toString() {

return "";




Expert Solution

NOTE: Since you have not enclosed any description of the problem, I am providing the definitions of all the methods as per my understanding.


class Grocery {

private String item;

private double cost;

public Grocery(String item, double cost) {

this.item = item;

this.cost = cost;


public String getItem() {

return item;


public double getCost() {

return cost;



public class GroceryCart {

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

private Grocery[] groceries;

private int size;


* Default constructor with zero arguments. This constructs a grocery

* cart with a default capacity of ten items.


public GroceryCart() {

groceries = new Grocery[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];

size = 0;



* Alternate constructor which takes in a maxCapacity. This maxCapacity

* determines how many items can fit inside of this groceryCart.


public GroceryCart(int maxCapacity) {

groceries = new Grocery[maxCapacity];

size = 0;



* Adds an item to the grocery cart. Returns true if the item was added

* successfully (i.e. there was still room in the cart to add it.


public boolean addItem(String item, Double cost) {

if (size >= groceries.length) {

return false;


groceries[size ++] = new Grocery(item, cost);



* Removes the specified item from the cart. Returns true if the item was

* successfully removed (i.e. the item existed in the cart).


public boolean removeItem(String item) {

for (int i=0; i<groceries.length; i++) {

if (groceries[i].getItem().equals(item)) {

for (int j=i; j<groceries.length; j++) {

groceries[j] = groceries[j+1];


size --;

return true;



return false;



* Empties the cart of all contents.


public void emptyCart() {

groceries = new Grocery[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];



* Returns a string representation of the carts contents. The contents

* should be printed out in alphabetical order. It should be of

* the form, "item:price, item:price, item:price". An example:

* "Green Beans:2.99, Milk:41.99, Rolled Oats:1.99, Zucchini:2.67"


public String toString() {

String res = "";

for(int i=0; i<groceries.length; i++) {

res += groceries[i].getItem() + ":" + groceries[i].getCost() + ", ";


return res.substring(0, res.length() - 2);



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