
In: Computer Science

I am taking a Data Structures and Program Design class. BUT, I am having trouble getting...

I am taking a Data Structures and Program Design class. BUT, I am having trouble getting access to the vectors so that I can compare the guesses with the random numbers. I’ve been working on this for several days and don't feel any closer to a solution and could really use some help as I really don't know how to get this to work. Thank you!

The assignment is:

Design an ADT for a one-person guessing game that chooses 4 random integers in the range from 1 to 9 and asks the user to guess them. The same integer might be chosen more than once. For example, the game might choose the following four integers that range from 1 to 9: 4, 6, 1, 6. The following interaction could occur between the user and the game:

Enter your guesses for the 4 integers in the range from 1 to 9 that have been selected:

User Input: 1 2 3 4

2 of your guesses are correct. Guess again.

User Input: 2 4 6 8

2 of your guesses are correct. Guess again.

User Input: 1 4 6 6

You are correct! Play again? No


Submit header file guess.h, implementation file guess.cpp, main function file main.cpp You need to include a makefile, and Readme file (see Programming Guidelines).

My code is:


#include <iostream>     // needed for using cin/cou statements

#include <string>       // needed for using string type

#include <fstream>      // needed for using files

#include <ctime>    // Enables use of time() function

#include "guess.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

    bool play = true;

    string answer;

    int randomNumsToGuess[3];

    int playerGuesses[4];


    int matches = 0;

    bool match = false;

    Guess g1;

do {

    cout << "Begin" << endl; //just for following along

    do {

        cout << "Enter your first guess" << endl;

        cin >> playerGuesses[0];


        cout << "Enter your second guess" << endl;

        cin >> playerGuesses[1];


        cout << "Enter your third guess" << endl;

        cin >> playerGuesses[2];


        cout << "Enter your fourth guess" << endl;

        cin >> playerGuesses[3];


        Guess (playerGuesses[0], playerGuesses[1], playerGuesses[2], playerGuesses[3]);

        cout << "Sitting just before loop" << endl;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

            cout << "Entered first loop" << endl;

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {

                cout << "Entered second loop" << endl;

                //***** HERE IS WHERE I ERROR OUR ******

                if (g1.getVecGuesses(i) == g1.getVecRandomCopy(i)) {

                    matches = matches + 1;

                    //cout << "Match at playerGuess " << playerGuesses[i] << "and randomNum" << vecRandomCopy[j] << endl; //used during testing



                    //vecGuesses[i] = -1;

                    //vecRandomCopy[j] = -2;

                    //gameOver = true;

                    cout << "Matches: " << matches << endl;


                cout << "Number of correct matches: " << matches << endl;



        if (matches == 3) {

            cout << "Congratulations! You guessed all three random numbers!" << endl;

        } else {

            cout << "Try again" << endl;


    } while (matches != 3);

    matches = 0;

    cout <<"Would you like to play again?" << endl;

    cout << "Enter Y for yes or N for no." << endl;

    cin >> answer;


    if (answer == "Y") {

        play = true;


    else {

        play = false;

        cout << "Thanks for playing!" << endl;


} while (play == true);

    return 0;




// Created by craig on 9/4/2019.


#ifndef DSPD_HW1_GUESS_H

#define DSPD_HW1_GUESS_H

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Guess{


    vector <int> vecRandom;

    vector <int> vecRandomCopy;

    vector <int> vecGuesses;

    int randomNum;

    int matches = 0;



    Guess(int a, int b, int c, int d);

    void Matches (vector<int> vecRandomCopy, vector<int> vecGuesses);

    void showVecGuesses(vector<int>);

    //might need to Guess::vecGuesses[x] = -1;

    void setVecGuesses (int x) {

        vecGuesses[x] = -1;}

    //void setVecGuesses (vector<int> _vecGuesses(int x)) {vecGuesses[x] = _vecGuesses[x];}

    void setVecRandomCopy (int y) {

        vecRandomCopy[y] = -2;}

    /*void displayVecContents (){

        for (unsigned int i=0; i<vecGuesses.size(); i++ )

            cout << "Guesses " << vecGuesses[i] << endl;



    int getVecGuesses (int x) {

        cout << "TEST " << vecGuesses[x];

        return vecGuesses[x];}

    int getVecRandomCopy (int y) {

        return vecRandomCopy[y];}

    int Matches (vector<Guess> & ) {

        cout << "Testing Matches" << endl;



#endif //DSPD_HW1_GUESS_H

--------------------------guess.cpp --------------------------------------


// Created by craig on 9/4/2019.


#include <iostream>     // needed for using cin/cou statements

#include <string>       // needed for using string type

#include <fstream>      // needed for using files

#include <ctime>    // Enables use of time() function

#include <vector>

#include "guess.h"

using namespace std;

Guess::Guess() {//default constructor, fills with random numbers

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

            randomNum = (rand() % 9)+1;


            cout << "Random number " << i + 1 << ": " << vecRandom[i] << endl;


        for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) { //creates a copy of the random numbers so I can manipulate it without

                                    //losing the original random numbers

            vecRandomCopy = vecRandom;

            cout << "Random number copy " << i + 1 << ": " << vecRandomCopy[i] << endl;



Guess::Guess (int a, int b, int c, int d){ //constructor for user guesses





    cout << "You Guessed: ";

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        cout << " " << vecGuesses[i];


    cout << endl;


void showVecGuesses(vector<int> _vecGuesses){

    for (int i=0; i<4; i++){

        cout << "TESTING SHOW VEC GUESSES" << endl;

        cout << _vecGuesses[i] << endl;



void Matches (vector<int> _vecRandomCopy, vector<int> _vecGuesses){

    cout << "TESTING: do we get into matches?" << endl;



Expert Solution

cpp code:


#include <iostream> // needed for using cin/cou statements

#include <string> // needed for using string type

#include <fstream> // needed for using files

#include <ctime> // Enables use of time() function

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "guess.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

bool play = true;

string answer;

int playerGuesses[4];


int matches = 0;

//loop starts
do {
Guess g1; //object for guess class (invoke the constructor & set the guess

do {

//get numbers from user
cout << "Enter your first guess" << endl;

cin >> playerGuesses[0];

// cin.ignore();

cout << "Enter your second guess" << endl;

cin >> playerGuesses[1];

// cin.ignore();

cout << "Enter your third guess" << endl;

cin >> playerGuesses[2];


cout << "Enter your fourth guess" << endl;

cin >> playerGuesses[3];

// cin.ignore();

/*rather than passing the user guess as constructor with parameter, set the values with function.
when you set two constructor the previous value will be deleted */

//set the user guess with function
g1.setUserGuess(playerGuesses[0], playerGuesses[1], playerGuesses[2], playerGuesses[3]);

//check the match
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {

//if guess equals
if (g1.getVecGuesses(i) == g1.getVecRandomCopy(j)) {
matches = matches + 1; //increase the match
g1.setVecRandomCopy(j); //set the random copy to -1
//print the matches
cout << "\n\nNumber of correct matches: " << matches << endl;

//if matches >3, print msg
if (matches > 3) {

cout << "\nCongratulations! You guessed all three random numbers!" << endl;

} else {
//if not, reset the random copy and matches to 0
cout << "\nTry again" << endl;
matches = 0;


} while (matches <4); //if matches not found repeat the loop

//ask user to play again

cout <<"\nWould you like to play again?" << endl;

cout << "Enter Y for yes or N for no." << endl;

cin >> answer;


if (answer == "Y") {

play = true;


else {

play = false;

cout << "\n\nThanks for playing!" << endl;


} while (play == true);

return 0;




#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Guess{


vector <int> vecRandom;

vector <int> vecRandomCopy;

vector <int> vecGuesses;

int randomNum;

int matches = 0;



void setUserGuess(int a, int b, int c, int d);

void Matches (vector<int> vecRandomCopy, vector<int> vecGuesses);

void showVecGuesses(vector<int>);

//might need to Guess::vecGuesses[x] = -1;

void setVecGuesses (int x) {

vecGuesses[x] = -1;}

//void setVecGuesses (vector<int> _vecGuesses(int x)) {vecGuesses[x] = _vecGuesses[x];}

void setVecRandomCopy (int y) {

vecRandomCopy[y] = -2;}


int getVecGuesses (int x) {

// cout << "TEST " << vecGuesses[x];

return vecGuesses[x];

int getVecRandomCopy (int y) {

return vecRandomCopy[y];

void Matches (vector<Guess> & ) {

cout << "Testing Matches" << endl;

void resetCopy();




#include <iostream> // needed for using cin/cou statements

#include <string> // needed for using string type

#include <fstream> // needed for using files

#include <ctime> // Enables use of time() function

#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "guess.h"

using namespace std;

{//default constructor, fills with random numbers

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

randomNum = (rand() % 9)+1;


cout << "Random number " << i + 1 << ": " << vecRandom[i] << endl;


for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) { //creates a copy of the random numbers so I can manipulate it without

//losing the original random numbers

vecRandomCopy = vecRandom;

cout << "Random number copy " << i + 1 << ": " << vecRandomCopy[i] << endl;



//reset the random copy with original guess
void Guess::resetCopy()
vecRandomCopy = vecRandom;

//function for set the user guesses
void Guess::setUserGuess(int a, int b, int c, int d){

vecGuesses.clear(); //clears the previous values





cout << "You Guessed: ";

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

cout << " " << vecGuesses[i];


cout << endl;


//no need this function (upto you to delete)
void showVecGuesses(vector<int> _vecGuesses){

for (int i=0; i<4; i++){

cout << "TESTING SHOW VEC GUESSES" << endl;

cout << _vecGuesses[i] << endl;



//no need this function (upto you to delete)
void Matches (vector<int> _vecRandomCopy, vector<int> _vecGuesses){

cout << "TESTING: do we get into matches?" << endl;



I have fixed your code and mentioned the error in the code. some of your functions are ambiguous , can delete it if it has no further use.

if you have any issues please do comments . if you found this solutions useful, please give me thumbs up.

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