
In: Computer Science

Write a program that performs the following two tasks: Reads an arithmetic expression in an infix...

Write a program that performs the following two tasks:

  1. Reads an arithmetic expression in an infix form, stores it in a queue (infix queue) and converts it to a postfix form (saved in a postfix queue).
  2. Evaluates the postfix expression.

Use the algorithms described in class/ lecture notes. Use linked lists to implement the Queue and Stack ADTs. Using Java built-in classes will result in 0 points. You must use your own Stack and Queue classes (my code is a good starting point). Submit the code + example runs to validate your code. Submit UML chart to show the program design.

TO ANSWERER: Please give a clear, complete, and detailed program in Java. Thank you!


Expert Solution


        class Stack
        char a[]=new char[100];
        int top=-1;
        void push(char c)
        a[++top]= c;
        catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
        System.out.println("Stack full , no room to push , size=100");

        char pop()
        return a[top--];

        boolean isEmpty()
        return (top==-1)?true:false;

        char peek()
        return a[top];


        public class InfixToPostfix

        static Stack operators = new Stack();
        public static void main(String argv[]) throws IOException
                String infix;
                //create an input stream object
                BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                //get input from user
                System.out.print("\nEnter the algebraic expression in infix: ");
                infix = keyboard.readLine();
                //output as postfix
                System.out.println("The expression in postfix is:" + toPostfix(infix));
        private static String toPostfix(String infix)
        //converts an infix expression to postfix
                char symbol;
                String postfix = "";
                for(int i=0;i<infix.length();++i)
                                        //while there is input to be read
                        symbol = infix.charAt(i);
                        //if it's an operand, add it to the string
                        if (Character.isLetter(symbol))
                                postfix = postfix + symbol;
                        else if (symbol=='(')
                        //push (
                        else if (symbol==')')
                        //push everything back to (
                                while (operators.peek() != '(')
                                        postfix = postfix + operators.pop();
                                operators.pop();                //remove '('
                        //print operators occurring before it that have greater precedence
                                while (!operators.isEmpty() && !(operators.peek()=='(') && prec(symbol) <= prec(operators.peek()))
                                        postfix = postfix + operators.pop();
                while (!operators.isEmpty())
                        postfix = postfix + operators.pop();
                return postfix;
        static int prec(char x)
                if (x == '+' || x == '-')
                        return 1;
                if (x == '*' || x == '/' || x == '%')
                        return 2;
                return 0;
Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

If you are satisfied with the solution, please leave a +ve feedback : ) Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!

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