
In: Computer Science

I want to update this JAVA program to : Exit cleanly, and change the pie chart...

I want to update this JAVA program to : Exit cleanly, and change the pie chart to circle rather than an oval, and provide a separate driver please and thank you

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.Scanner;

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

// class to store the value and color mapping of the
// pie segment(slices)
class Segment {
double value;
Color color;

// constructor
public Segment(double value, Color color) {
this.value = value;
this.color = color;

class pieChartComponent extends JComponent {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Segment[] Segments;

// Parameterized constructor
// create 4 segments of the pie chart
pieChartComponent(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4) {
Segments = new Segment[] { new Segment(v1,, new Segment(v2,, new Segment(v3, Color.yellow),
new Segment(v4, };

// function responsible for calling the worker method drawPie
public void paint(Graphics g) {
drawPie((Graphics2D) g, getBounds(), Segments);

// worker function for creating the percentage wise slices of the pie chart
void drawPie(Graphics2D g, Rectangle area, Segment[] Segments) {
double total = 0.0D;
// fin the total of the all the inputs provided by the user
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.length; i++) {
total += Segments[i].value;
// Initialization
double curValue = 0.0D;
int strtAngle = 0;
// iterate till all the segments are covered
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.length; i++) {
// compute start angle, with percentage
strtAngle = (int) (curValue * 360 / total);
// find the area angle of the segment
int arcAngle = (int) (Segments[i].value * 360 / total);

g.fillArc(area.x, area.y, area.width, area.height, strtAngle, arcAngle);
curValue += Segments[i].value;

public class Graphic_Pie2D {
public static void main(String[] argv) {

System.out.println("Pleae provide 4 values, to create the pie chart");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int v1, v2, v3, v4;
v1 = input.nextInt();
v2 = input.nextInt();
v3 = input.nextInt();
v4 = input.nextInt();
// create a JFrame with title
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Pie Chart");
frame.getContentPane().add(new pieChartComponent(v1,v2,v3,v4));
frame.setSize(500, 300);


here's the assignment for reference :

Pie chart: prompt the user (at the command line) for 4 positive integers, then draw a pie chart in a window. Convert the numbers to percentages of the numbers’ total sum; color each segment differently; use Arc2D. No text fields (other than the window title) are required. Provide a driver in a separate source file to test your class.


Expert Solution

import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class PieChartApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener {
       PieChartCanvas chart;  // A canvas that displays the pie chart.
       TextField[] inputs;    // Input boxes where the user enters the data.
       Label message;         // Label for displaying message to the user.
       public void init() {
               // Initialize the applet. 
          setBackground(Color.darkGray);     // Color for borders and gaps.
          setLayout(new BorderLayout(2,2));  // The main layout is a BorderLayout.
          /* The South position of the main BorderLayout is occupied by
             a Panel that contains the message label and two buttons.
             This panel also uses a BorderLayout.  The message label 
             occupies the Center position and the Buttons occupy the
             East and West positions.  The applet listens for ActionEvents
             from the buttons. 
          Panel bottom = new Panel();
          add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          bottom.setLayout(new BorderLayout(2,2));
          message = new Label("Enter your data and click here: ", Label.CENTER);
          bottom.add(message, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          Button make = new Button("Make Chart");
          bottom.add(make, BorderLayout.EAST);
          Button clear = new Button("Clear");
          bottom.add(clear, BorderLayout.WEST);
          /* The Center position of the main BorderLayout is occupied by
             a Panel that contains the input boxes and the PieChartCanvas.
             This Panel uses a GridLayout that divides it horizontally into
             two pieces.  The left half is occupied by another Panel that
             holds the input boxes.  The right half is occupied by the chart.
          Panel top = new Panel();
          add(top, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          top.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2,2,2));
          Panel left = new Panel();   // Panel to hold 12 input boxes in a grid.
          left.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2,2,2));
          inputs = new TextField[12];  // Make an array to hold the input boxes.
          for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
             inputs[i] = new TextField();  // Create the i-th input box.
          chart = new PieChartCanvas();
       }  // add init();
       public Insets getInsets() {
             // Specify a 2-pixel border around the edges of the applet.
          return new Insets(2,2,2,2);
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              // This is called when the user clicks on one of the two buttons.
              // Call another subroutine to handle the action.
          String cmd = evt.getActionCommand();
          if (cmd.equals("Clear"))
          else if (cmd.equals("Make Chart"))
       void doClear() {
              // Called by actionPerformed() when the user clicks the "Clear" 
              // button.  Empty all the TextFields, and clear the pie chart.
              // Reset the message label, in case it was showing an error message.
          message.setText("Enter your data and click here: ");
          for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
       void doChart() {
             // Called by actionPerformedI() when the user clicks the "Make Chart"
             // button.  Get up to 12 data values form the 12 input boxes.  Ignore
             // any empty boxes and zeros.  If illegal data is found, show a message
             // and exit.  Otherwise, tell the PieChartCanvas to draw a pie chart
             // for the data.  (If an error is found, clear the current pie chart
             // so the user will notice that something is wrong.)
         double[] data = new double[12];  // An array to hold the data.
         int dataCt = 0;  // Number of data items found (ignoring empty boxes).
         for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                 // Try to get data from the i-th input box.
            String numStr;  // The contents of the i-th box, as a string.
            double num;     // The contents of the i-th box, as a number.
            numStr = inputs[i].getText().trim();
            if (numStr.length() > 0) {
               try {
                      // Try to convert the string to a numerical value.
                  Double d = new Double(numStr); 
                  num = d.doubleValue();
               catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                      // The data in box i is not a legal number.
                  message.setText("Invalid number input " + i);
               if (num < 0) {
                      // The data in box i is a negative number.
                  message.setText("Negative numbers not allowed.");
               if (num > 0) {
                      // Put the number in the data array, but only if it
                      // is positive.  Zero values are ignored.
                  data[dataCt] = num;
            }  // end if
         }  // end for
         if (dataCt == 0) {
                // No positive numbers were found.
            message.setText("Please enter some data!");
         /* Reset the message label, in case it was showing an error message. */
         message.setText("Enter your data and click here: ");
         /* Tell the PieChartCanvas to draw a pie chart with the new data. */
       }  // end doChart()
    } // end PieChartApplet
    class PieChartCanvas extends Canvas {
           // A PieChartCanvas can display a pie chart, based on an array 
           // of data passed to it in its setData() method.  There can be
           // up to 12 wedges in the pie.
       private int dataCt;     // The number of data values for the chart.
       private int[] angles;   // An array to hold the angles that divide
                               // the wedges.  For convenience, this array 
                               // is of size dataCt + 1, and it starts with 
                               // 0 and ends with 360.
       private final static Color[] palette = {  // Colors for the chart.
            new Color(180,0,0),
            new Color(200,200,255),
            new Color(0,180,0),
            new Color(0,180,180),
            new Color(180,180,0),
            new Color(180,0,180),
       PieChartCanvas() {
             // Constructor.  Set the background to be white.
       void clearData() {
             // Delete any data and redraw the canvas.  The canvas will
             // be blank except for the message "No data available".
          dataCt = 0;
          angles = null;
       void setData(double[] data, int count) {
             // Use data and count for the pie chart.  If data is null or
             // count is <= 0, the current pie chart will be cleared.
             // The count must be in the range 0 to data.length.  If not, it
             // is set to data.length.  All the entries in the array should
             // be positive numbers.  If not, the results will be nonsense.
             // The data needed to draw the pie chart is computed and stored
             // in the angles array.  Note that the number of degrees
             // in the i-th wedge is 360*data[i]/dataSum, where dataSum
             // is the total of all the data values.  The cumulative angles
             // are computed, converted to ints, and stored in angles.
          if (count <= 0 || data == null) {
          else {
             if (count <= data.length)
                dataCt = count;
                dataCt = data.length;
             angles = new int[dataCt + 1];
             angles[0] = 0;
             angles[dataCt] = 360;
             double dataSum = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < dataCt; i++)
                dataSum += data[i];
             double sum = 0;
             for (int i = 1; i < dataCt; i++) {
                sum += data[i-1];
                angles[i] = (int)(360*sum/dataSum + 0.5);
       }  // end setData()
       public void paint(Graphics g) {
               // Draw the pie chart, if there is data available.  
               // If not, just show the message "No data available". 
          if (dataCt == 0) {
             g.drawString("No data available.", 10,15);
          /* The pie chart occupies a circle centered on the canvas.
             Compute some parameters for drawing it.
          int centerX = getSize().width / 2;   // Center point of circle.
          int centerY = getSize().height / 2; 
          int radius;   // Radius of the circle.  This is 20 pixels less 
                        // than the smaller of half the width and 
                        // half the height.
          if (centerX < centerY)
             radius = centerX - 20;
             radius = centerY - 20;
          int top = centerY - radius;    // Top edge of square 
                                         //    that contains the circle.
          int left = centerX - radius;   // Left edge of square 
                                         //    that contains the circle.
          int diameter = 2*radius;       // Length of a side of the square.
          for (int i = 0; i < dataCt; i++) {
                // Draw the next wedge.  The start angle for the wedge 
                // is angles[i].  The ending angle is angles[i+1}, so 
                // the number of degrees in the wedge is 
                // angles[i+1] - angles[i].
             g.setColor( palette[i] );
             g.fillArc( left, top, diameter, diameter, 
                                        angles[i], angles[i+1] - angles[i] ) ;
       }  // end paint()
    }  // end PieChartCanvas

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