In: Statistics and Probability
Using, for example, the command “=IF(RAND()<0,4;1;0)” in Excel, simulate 40 different realizations with n = 60 and the true supporting rate to be 40%. In order to “freeze” the output generated by Excel, select the cells with all 0s and 1s values that have been randomly generated using the above mentioned command, copy them and paste them (using the paste special option) as values back on top of the cells. Then in each of the 40 different simulated “datasets” calculate Y, i.e. total number of 1s (voters). Finally create a histogram of your 40 values of Y .Calculate the mean,median,standart deviation and the mode....construct as well the frequency and discuss your findings.
Discussion: It can be seen that the distribution of the number of 1's that is simulated is not perfectly normal because the mean, median, and mode are not equal but they are close to each other hence we can say that the distribution of 1's is approaching normal distribution. The standard deviation is 4.14 that means on an average all the number of 1's are 4.14 far from the mean.
Argument: We should increase the number of samples of the same size(60) because a sample of size 40 is small, this will help us to identify a better frequency distribution of the number of 1's.