
In: Finance

Delmont Transport Company (DTC) is evaluating the merits of leasing versus purchasing a truck with a...

Delmont Transport Company (DTC) is evaluating the merits of leasing versus purchasing a truck with a 4-year life that costs $40,000 and falls into the MACRS 3-year class. If the firm borrows and buys the truck, the loan rate would be 10%, and the loan would be amortized over the truck's 4-year life, so the interest expense for taxes would decline over time. The loan payments would be made at the end of each year. The truck will be used for 4 years, at the end of which time, it will be sold at an estimated residual value of $10,000. If DTC buys the truck, it would purchase a maintenance contract that costs $1,000 per year, payable at the end of each year. The lease terms, which include maintenance, call for a $10,000 lease payment at the beginning of each year (i.e. 4 payments total). DTC's tax rate is 40%.

           What is the net advantage to leasing?

           (Note: Assume MACRS rates for Years 1 to 4 are 0.3333, 0.4445, 0.1481, and 0.0741.)

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Formula sheet

4 Cost of purchasing the Truck 40000
6 Depreciation each year can be calculated as follows:
7 Investment in Truck =D4
8 Tax basis of the Truck (B) =D7
10 Depreciation follows MACRS 3 year convention.
11 Hence depreciation each year can be calculated as follows:
12 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
13 MACRS 3 Year depreciation rate (rt) 0.3333 0.4445 0.1481 0.0741
14 Depreciation (B*rt) =$D$8*E13 =$D$8*F13 =$D$8*G13 =$D$8*H13
15 Book Value =D8 =D15-E14 =E15-F14 =F15-G14 =G15-H14
18 Calculation of after tax net cash flow from the sale of the machine:
19 Proceed from sale of machine at the end 10000
20 Book Value of Machine at the end =H15
21 Gain or Loss on sale =Proceed From Sale - Book value at the end of sale
22 =D19-D20
24 Tax rate 0.4
25 Gain or Loss on sale =D22
26 Tax on Gain & Loss =D25*D24
27 Net Proceed from Sale of assets at the end =Proceed from Sale - Tax Expense on gain or loss
28 =D19-D26
30 Hence after-tax net cash flow from the sale of machine =D28
32 Loan Payment Calculation:
33 Amount of loan taken =D7
34 Interest rate 0.1
35 Period 4
36 Maintenance cost per year 1000
37 Cost of buy option can be calculated as follows:
38 Free cash flow is given by following formula:
39 Free Cash Flow = Operating Cash Flow - Capital Expenditures - Change in working capital+New Debt-Debt Repayment
41 Year 0 1 2 3 4
42 Maintenance cost =-$D$36 =-$D$36 =-$D$36 =-$D$36
43 Depreciation =-E14 =-F14 =-G14 =-H14
44 Income Before Tax =SUM(E42:E43) =SUM(F42:F43) =SUM(G42:G43) =SUM(H42:H43)
45 Tax expense =-E44*$D$24 =-F44*$D$24 =-G44*$D$24 =-H44*$D$24
46 Net Income =E44+E45 =F44+F45 =G44+G45 =H44+H45
47 Add Depreciation =-E43 =-F43 =-G43 =-H43
48 Cost of asset =-D7
49 Loan Value =D33
50 Net cash flow from the sale of the machine =D30
51 Debt principle repayment =PPMT($D$34,E41,$D$35,$D$33,0) =PPMT($D$34,F41,$D$35,$D$33,0) =PPMT($D$34,G41,$D$35,$D$33,0) =PPMT($D$34,H41,$D$35,$D$33,0) =PPMT($D$34,H41,$D$35,$D$33,0)
52 Net Cash Flow from Buying the Machine =SUM(D46:D51) =SUM(E46:E51) =SUM(F46:F51) =SUM(G46:G51) =SUM(H46:H51)
53 Cost of capital (i) = cost of debt =D34
54 (P/F,i,n) =1/((1+$D53)^D41) =1/((1+$D53)^E41) =1/((1+$D53)^F41) =1/((1+$D53)^G41) =1/((1+$D53)^H41)
55 Present value of net cash flows =D52*D54 =E52*E54 =F52*F54 =G52*G54 =H52*H54
56 Cost of purchasing the Truck =Present Value of net cash flows
57 =SUM(D55:H55) =SUM(D55:H55)
59 Hence net cost of purchasing the Truck is =-D57
62 Calculation of Cost of leasing the Truck
63 Annual Lease Payment 10000
66 Year 0 1 2 3 4
67 Lease Payment =-D63 =D67 =E67 =F67
68 Tax Expense =-D67*$D$24 =-E67*$D$24 =-F67*$D$24 =-G67*$D$24 =-H67*$D$24
69 Net cash flow due to lease =D67+D68 =E67+E68 =F67+F68 =G67+G68 =H67+H68
70 Cost of capital (i) = cost of debt =D34
71 (P/F,i,n) =1/((1+$D70)^D66) =1/((1+$D70)^E66) =1/((1+$D70)^F66) =1/((1+$D70)^G66) =1/((1+$D70)^H66)
72 Present value of net cash flows =D69*D71 =E69*E71 =F69*F71 =G69*G71 =H69*H71
73 Cost of leasing the Truck =Present Value of net cash flows
74 =SUM(D72:H72) =SUM(D72:H72)
76 Hence cost of leasing the Truck is =-D74
79 Calculation of Net Advantage of leasing:
80 Net advantage to Leasing =Cost of Purchasing the Truck - Cost of leasing the Truck
81 =D59-D76 =D59-D76
83 Hence net advantage of leasing is =D81

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