In: Computer Science
write a java merge sort called MERGE-SORT-A(), Using recursive
calls and NO INSERTION-SORT() as a sub-procedure.
public class MergeSort
public static void merge_sort(long[] arr,int p, int r)
// if index is right
if(p < r)
// get the mid index
int mid = (p + r) / 2;
// sort the left subarray
merge_sort(arr, p, mid);
// sort the right subarray
merge_sort(arr, mid + 1, r);
// merge the two subarrays
merge(arr, p, mid, r);
// merge thw two arrays
public static void merge(long[] arr,int p,int q,int r)
// get the length of left subarray
int n1 = q - p + 1;
// get the length of right subarray
int n2 = r - q;
int i,j,k;
// create two arrays left and right
long[] left = new long[n1 + 1];
long[] right = new long[n2 + 1];
// fill left with the contents of left subarray of arr
for(i = 0; i < n1; i++)
left[i] = arr[p + i];
// fill right with the contents of right subarray of arr
for(i = 0; i < n2; i++)
right[i] = arr[q + i + 1];
// set the last element to infinity
left[n1] = Long.MAX_VALUE;
right[n2] = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for(k = p ; k <= r; k++)
// if the current element of left is smaller than
// current element of right
if(left[i] <= right[j])
arr[k] = left[i];
// if the current element of left is larger than
// current element of right
arr[k] = right[j];
// display the array
public static void display(long arr[])
int i;
// iterate through the array
for (i = 0; i< arr.length; i++)
System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
public static void main(String[] args)
int maxSize = 20;
// initialize the array
long[] a = new long[maxSize];
// fill the array with random elements
for(int j = 0; j < maxSize; j++)
long n = (long)( java.lang.Math.random()*(maxSize-1) );
a[j] = n;
// sort using quick sort
merge_sort(a, 0, a.length - 1);
Sample Output