Write a program in Java to sort the given array using merge
sort, quick sort, insertion sort, selection sort and bubble sort
based on the input from the user which sorting technique they
wanted to use. Get the array size, array elements from the user,
and also display the sorted array along with the name of the
sorting technique used.
Write and test a C program to implement Bubble
Sort. .
In your C program, you should do:
Implement the array use an integer pointer, get the size of the
array from standard input and use the
malloc function to allocate the required
memory for it.
Read the array elements from standard input.
Print out the sorted array, and don’t forget to free the
Debug your program using Eclipse C/C++ CDT.
Write a program to implement and analyzing the Bubble Sort. a.
Write a C++ function for Bubble Sort b. Use a dynamic array of
integers in a variable size of n. c. Display the following
information: 1) Total counts of comparisons 2) Total counts of
shifts / moves / swaps, whichever applies d. Write a main()
function to test a best, and an average cases in terms of time
efficiency i. Fill out the array with random numbers for an...
All code in JAVA please
1. Implement Insertion Sort
2. Implement Selection Sort
*For problem 1 and 2, please:
a. Let the program generate a random array.
b. Output both the original random array and the sorted version of
Write an ARMv8 program to sort an array of elements. As I
mentioned in class, this problem uses a portion of your Programming
Assignment 1 where you computed the smallest and largest values in
an array. Here we will extend that assignment to find the “index”
of the smallest and the index of the largest elements of the array.
The following C code segment illustrates how we can sort the
element of an array.For this problem, assume an array with...
(Write a C# program DO NOT USE CLASS)Implement the merge sort
algorithm using a linked list instead of arrays. You can use any
kind of a linked structure, such as single, double, circular lists,
stacks and/or queues. You can populate your list from an explicitly
defined array in your program. HINT: You will not be using low,
middle and high anymore. For finding the middle point, traverse
through the linked list while keeping count of the number of nodes.
write a java program to Implement a Priority Queue using a
linked list. Include a main method demonstrating enqueuing and
dequeuing several numbers, printing the list contents for each.
Using a Java.
2. Write a Java program calculate_fare.java to take the input
for number of miles, and the class of journey (1,2, or 3, for
first, second, and third class respectively), for a train
The program should then calculate and display the fare of
journey based on the following criteria:
Note: Use Switch...case and if...else
First (1) Class
Second (1) Class
Third (3) Class
First 100 mile
$ 3 per mile
$ 2 per mile
$ 1.50...