
In: Economics

Suppose you are a renowned economic researcher at the World Bank, and are asked to advocate...

Suppose you are a renowned economic researcher at the World Bank, and are asked to advocate an immediate ban on child labor in developing countries. Why would it not be a good idea, economically?


Expert Solution

Assuming to be a renowned economic researcher at the world bank and asked to advocate an immediate ban on child labour in developing countries,yet its not a good idea.In developing countries,the poverty rate is relatively high and those families can not afford education for children.Due to this, children started working in manufacturing and production units to earn money.Such countries earned revenue from the products produced by child labour.Few countries believe that those poor families are still able to live only with the help of income earned by children.These families use the earnings gained by children to fulfill their baisc needs.If such families stop sending their children to work then their situation might become even worse.Income earned through child labour helps the country to maintain minimum per capita income rate.If child labour is banned then per capita income falls and poverty will grow immensely.Researchers have found that even if child labour is banned,children are not even pursuing their basic education.By this country is not able to inmprove both literacy rate and per capita income.Even poverty has increased rapidly.All these situations have stopped country to ban child labour.Instead countries have started providing healthy atmosphere at factories,manufaturing units for children who work.Such countries are making sure that child labours are not mis-treated and are not taught any bad manners or unlawful things.

But still a developing country should take certain measures so that child labour is not encourged excessively.Country should provide free education to such child labours and it should help poor families by providing them with basic facilities and by fulfilling their neccessities.Child labour is a good idea but upto a certain limit.If developing country gets to a better position then that country can raise a ban on child labour.

Therefore it is not correct to ban child labour immediately in developing countries as it may worsen their economic status.So,its would better if developing country bans child labour after attaining country's development.But country should make sure that chld labours are not mistreated or tortured.Government of such countries should maintain good atmosphere at work for child labours.They should be respected and  provided with atleast basic education after completing work hours.

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