
In: Computer Science

Prompt the user to input their lucky number. Upon getting the users input, validate that the...

Prompt the user to input their lucky number. Upon getting the users input, validate that the input is a valid number using Int32.TryParse (more info can be found at (Links to an external site.)). If the input is not a valid number, output a message to the user stating that you are sorry but you are unable to run the FizzBuzz process due to the input not being a valid number. If the input is valid, you are clear to start the FizzBuzz process. If the input is divisible by 3, then output {number} Fizz. If the input is divisible by 5, then output {number} Buzz. If the input is divisible by 3 AND 5, output {number} FizzBuzz. If it is not divisible by either 3 or 5, simply just output the number.


Expert Solution

/* Please read the comments and see the output*/

using System;

using System.IO;

class FizBuzz


    public static void Main() {

        string input; // For reading input

        int num;      // To store the int value if input is valid

        bool isValidInput;  // Boolean variable to check input is valid is or not

        do {

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Lucky Number: ");

            input  = Console.ReadLine(); // Read user input

            isValidInput = int.TryParse(input,out num); // Check input is integer or not

            if(!isValidInput)  // If input is not valid, show error message

                Console.WriteLine("you are sorry but you are unable to run the FizzBuzz process due to the input not being a valid number.");

        }while(!isValidInput);  // Run this until, user give correct input

        string result =""; // Variable to keep the result for the valid input integer

         if(num % 15 == 0)  result = num + "  FizzBuzz"; // DECIDE parameter for BUZ FIZZ GAME

        else if(num % 3 == 0 )  result = num + " Fizz";

        else if(num % 5 == 0)  result = num + " Buzz";

        else result = ""+ num;

        Console.WriteLine(result);   // Show the result

        Console.WriteLine("PRESS enter for exit"); // Exit of game





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