
In: Computer Science

Write a complete C++ program that defines, implements, and utilizes a Lion class and a Pine...

Write a complete C++ program that defines, implements, and utilizes a Lion class and a Pine class. Definition of classes from the implementation of the classes should be split. The program is made of five files: Lion.h, Lion.cpp, Pine.h, Pine.cpp, and TestLionPine.cpp. The components of Lion class are defined in the Lion.h file; however, all constructors and methods should not have any implementation code in this header file. All implementation code, i.e. constructor body and method body, should be written in Lion.cpp, which refers to the Lion.h using an include directive. The Lion class consists of the following components:

  • Properties (MUST be private):   
    • weight: double
    • height: double
  • Constructors:
    • No-argument constructor: the constructor with no parameter
    • Standard constructor: with the same number of parameters as properties.
  • Methods
    • For each private property, create one get() method and one set() method to provide reading and writing access to this property. Here, there should be two get() methods and two set() methods.
    • toPrint(): no return. It prints out the names and current values of all properties.  
    • eat(): no return, print with a complete sentence how this type of lions eat. For example, eat every 48 hours, eat meat only, or eat much more in rainy season.

The components of Pine class are defined in the Pine.h file; however, all constructors and methods should not have any implementation code in this header file. All implementation code, i.e. constructor body and method body, should be written in Pine.cpp, which refers to the Pine.h using an include directive. The Pine class consists of following components.

  • Properties (MUST be private):
    • age: int
    • height: double
  • Constructors:
    • No-argument constructor: the constructor with no parameter
    • Standard constructor: with the same number of parameters as properties.
  • Methods
    • For each private property, create one get() method and one set() method to provide reading and writing access to this property. Here, there should be two get() methods and two set() methods.
    • toPrint(): no return. It prints out the names and current values of all properties.
    • produceCone(): no return, print with a complete sentence how this type of pine tree grows its pinecone. For example, produce annually, or produce on new branches.

The TestLionPine.cpp files contains only the main function for testing the Lion class and Pine class. In the main() function, create two Lion objects and two Pine objects respectively. For each class, create one from the no-argument constructor, another from the standard constructor. Before calling the standard constructor, two values should be read from the user with proper prompts. At the end, call every method from each object. Preferably, follow the sequence below:

  1. Call the get() methods to display original property value.
  2. Call the set() methods to change property values. For each property, or for each set() method, a new property value should be read from the user with proper prompt.
  3. Call the toPrint() method to print the updated property values with proper prompt text.
  4. Call other regular methods.


Expert Solution


#ifndef LION_H
#define LION_H

class Lion
    double weight;
    double height;
    Lion(double w, double h);
    double getWeight();
    void setWeight(double w);
    double getHeight();
    void setHeight(double h);
    void toPrint();
    void eat();



#ifndef PINE_H
#define PINE_H

class Pine
    int age;
    double height;
    Lion(int a, double h);
    int getAge();
    void setAge(int a);
    double getHeight();
    void setHeight(double h);
    void toPrint();
    void produceCone();



#include "Lion.h"
void Lion::setHeight(double h)
    height = h;

void Lion::setWeight(double w)
    weight = w;

Lion::Lion(double w, double h)

double Lion::getWeight()
    return weight;

double Lion::getHeight()
    return height;

void Lion::toPrint()
    double w = getWeight();
    double h = getHeight();
    cout << "height : " << h << "\n";
    cout << "weight : " << w << "\n";

void Lion::eat()
    cout << "eat every 48 hours\n";


#include "Pine.h"
void Pine::setHeight(double h)
    height = h;

void Pine::setAge(int a)
    age = a;

Pine::Pine(int a, double h)

int Pine::getAge()
    return age;

double Pine::getHeight()
    return height;

void Pine::toPrint()
    int a = getAge();
    double h = getHeight();
    cout << "height : " << h << "\n";
    cout << "age : " << a << "\n";

void Pine::produceCone()
    cout << "produces cone annually\n";



public static int main()
    cout << "Enter lion 2's weight";
    double w,h;
    int a;
    cin >> w;
    cout << "Enter lion 2's height";
    cin >> h;
    Lion L1;
    Lion L2(w,h);
    Pine P1;
    cout << "Enter pine 2's age";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "Enter pine 2's height";
    cin >> h;
    Pine P2(a,h);
    cout << "Lion 1's weight : " << L1.getWeight();
    cout << "Lion 2's weight : " << L2.getWeight();
    cout << "Lion 1's height : " << L1.getHeight();
    cout << "Lion 2's height : " << L2.getHeight();
    cout << "Pine 1's height : " << P1.getHeight();
    cout << "Pine 2's height : " << P2.getHeight();
    cout << "Pine 1's age : " << P1.getAge();
    cout << "Pine 2's age : " << P2.getAge();
    cout << "Enter lion 1's weight : ";
    cin >> w;
    cout << "Enter lion 1's height : ";
    cin >> h;
    cout << "Enter lion 2's weight : ";
    cin >> w;
    cout << "Enter lion 2's height : ";
    cin >> h;
    cout << "Enter pine 1's age : ";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "Enter pine 1's height : ";
    cin >> h;
    cout << "Enter pine 2's age : ";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "Enter pine 2's height : ";
    cin >> h;
    cout << "Lion 1's new properties:-\n";
    cout << "Lion 2's new properties:-\n";
    cout << "Pine 1's new properties:-\n";
    cout << "Pine 2's new properties:-\n";

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