In: Nursing
Public health nurses must blend family nursing theories with public health theories and frameworks to work both with individual families and populations of families. Explain the following three family social science theories, including the strengths and weakness of each one: Family Systems Theory, Family Developmental and Life Cycle Theory and Bioecological Systems Theory. Which theory is most beneficial to you as a public health nurse in achieving healthy outcomes for families and why?
family system theory is a concept of looking at the family as a cohesive emotional unit.According to this theory family members are intensly emotionally connected.The family system theory states that a family functions as a system wherin each member plays a specific role and must follow certain rules.Based on the roles within the system people are expected to interact with and respond to one another in a certain way.
The family system theory encourages nurse to view both the individual clients as participating members of a whole familly.The major strength of the system framework is that it views families from both a subsystem and suprasystem apprroch.
The developmental phases of a family are reffered to as the stages in a family life cycle.They include un attached adults,married adults,childbearing adults,newly married adults,school age children,teenage years,middle aged and retired adults.The family life cycle is a sereis of stages through which family may pass over time.
In this theory states that human development is a transcational process in which an individual development is influenced by his or her interactions with varies aspects and spheres of their environment.
in my point of viwe the most important strength of this theory is that it deals with the living things based on their natural environment instead in an artificial isolation.For the reason that there are branches of biology that mainly concentrate on given aspects of organism and for this matter may loe the truth of interrelationship and connections that are quite important for understanding life in its full mode.secondly this theory shown that biochemistry,systematic ,molecular bilogy and anatomy become fully focused on when is used for the analysis of ecosystem.The other strength of this theory shows growth from reductionist to holistic.thsi theory offers that sahring is caring.This theory highlights the significance of individual differences that are there in each child durinh his development.
Weakness of the ecology system orginates from the wider spectrum of its main concern that it tends to diffuse.Most of individual ecologist ,mainly focus on a given aspects of communities or better physical environment.
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