In: Economics
Balance Sheet
Loan : 100
Security holding : 50
Reserves : 10
Total Asset: 160
Savings account : 100
Checking account : 30
Equity : 30
Total Liabilities and Equity: 160
Revenue : 100*5% + 50*10% = 10
Expenses : 100*2.5% = 2.5
Profit : 7.5
ROA = PROFIT/ASSETS = 7.5/160 = 4.69%
ROE = PROFIT/EQUITY = 7.5/30 = 25%
If good loan comes in at the start of the period, and 10 millions also, defaults at the start, then balance sheet will look like below, and therefore profits will also change.
Balance Sheet
Loan : 80
Security holding : 50
Reserves : 10
Cash : 10
Total Asset: 150
Savings account : 100
Checking account : 30
Equity : 20
Total Liabilities and Equity: 150
Revenue : 80*5% + 50*10% = 9
Expenses : 100*2.5%+10 = 12.5
Profit : -3.5
ROA = PROFIT/ASSETS = -3.5/150 = -2.33%
ROE = PROFIT/EQUITY = -3.5/20 = -17.5%
ROA and ROE got negative, because of NPA (write off of the loan considered as expense in income statement)