
In: Computer Science

1.   Design a class, Account, that models the basic workings of a bank account. The class...

1.   Design a class, Account, that models the basic workings of a bank account. The class should perform the following tasks:
a.   Save the account balance.
b.   Save the number of transactions performed on the account.
c.   Allow deposits to be made to the account.
d.   Allow withdrawals to be taken from the account.
e.   Calculate interest for the period.
f.   Report the current account balance at any time.
g.   Report the current number of transactions at any time

The private member variables needed by the class are:
-   balance (a double to hold the current account balance)
-   interestRate (a double that holds the interest rate for the period)
-   interest (a double that holds the interest earned for the current period)
-   transactions (an integer that holds the current number of transactions)

The public member functions needed are:

-   constructor to initially store balance (0) and interest rate(0.045 or 4.5%)
-   setInterestRate()
-   makeDeposit()
-   withDraw()
-   calcInterest()
-   getInterestRate()
-   getBalance()
-   getInterest()
-   getTransactions()


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
//account class
class Account
{ //data member declarations
       double balance,interestRate,interest;
       static int transactions;
       //member functions
   Account()   ;
   void setInterestRate();
   void makeDeposit();
   void withDraw();
   void calcInterest();
   double getInterestRate();
   double getBalance();
   double getInterest();
   int getTransactions();
Account :: Account()
    balance=0; //set balance to 0
    interestRate= 4.5; //set interest rate to 4.5
//setInterestRate() method
void Account :: setInterestRate()
   cout<<endl<<"Enter the Rate of Interest";
   cin>>interestRate; //set the interest rate
   //method to deposit
   void Account :: makeDeposit()
   double d;
   cout<<endl<<"Enter the amount to deposit";
   cin>>d; //Inout teh amount too deposit
   if(d<0) //validate the amount
   cout<<endl<<"Invalid amount for deposit";
   balance = balance +d; //update the balance
   transactions++; //update the transactions
   //method to withdraw
   void Account :: withDraw()
      double d;
      cout<<endl<<"Enter the amount for withdraw";
      cin>>d;//input the balance
      if(d<0) //validate the balance
      cout<<endl<<"Invalid Amount";
       if(d>balance) //check for sufficient balanc3e or not
       cout<<endl<<"Insufficient balance";
       balance = balance-d; //update the balance
       transactions++;//update the transactions
   //method to calculate the interest
   void Account :: calcInterest()
       interest = (balance * interestRate)/100; //compute the interest
       balance = balance + interest; //update the balance
       transactions++;//update the transactions
   //return the interest rate
   double Account :: getInterestRate()
       return interestRate;
   //return the balance
   double Account :: getBalance()
       return balance;
   //return the interest amount
   double Account :: getInterest()
       return interest;
   //return the number of transactions
   int Account :: getTransactions()
      return transactions;
   //defination of static variable
   int Account::transactions;
   //driver program
   int main()
       Account aobj; //creat object
       int opt;
       //infinite loop
           //display the menu
           cout<<endl<<"1. Set InterestRate\n2. Make Deposit\n3. Withdraw\n4. Interest Calculation\n5. Print InterestRate\n6. Print Balance\n7. Print Total Interest\n 8. Print Number of transactions\n 0. Exit";
           cout<<endl<<"Enter choice";
           cin>>opt;//ask for choice
           //perform the operation according to the choice given by user
                  cout<<endl<<"Rate of Interest : "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<aobj.getInterestRate();
                   cout<<endl<<"Total Balance : $"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<aobj.getBalance();
                   cout<<endl<<"Total Interest : $"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<aobj.getInterest();
                   cout<<endl<<"Number of transactions performed : "<<aobj.getTransactions();



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