In: Nursing
You are working on a research project and you are looking to collect VO2max measures on obese adults (categorized as such based on weight and BMI). Which method/GXT would you choose to assess CRF and why? Be detailed and specific when explaining/defending your choice
Vo2max is the measurement of the oxygen consumption during a strenuous exercise.It is used to assess the respiratory fitness and physical endurance.
Vo2max formula is =cardiac output X atriovenous oxygen difference
Accurately capturing the dynamic physiological responses during GXT is essential to establish a valid VO2max and to quantify CRF responses throughout various training interventions.
Many independent factors contribute to the varying opinions surrounding the appropriateness of current standardized GXT guidelines, thereby limiting the ability to compare results between tests and population or apply them.
The modes for administering GXT are traditionally limited to cycle and treadmill, each resulting in unique physiological responses. Protocol design variables such as stage length, workload increment per stage, and total test duration may individually limit the accuracy of GXT
Furthermore, the criteria used to confirm attainment of VO2 plateau are not consistent or universally applied among studies. This review will examine the limitations within the current recommendations for GXT and highlight the importance of the continuous search for identifying an optimal protocol.
The CRF estimate was significantly associated with GXT-derived peak oxygen consumption, validating its use as a non-exercise CRF measure in our sample. Support for this finding was seen in significant associations between the CRF estimate and several cardiovascular risk factors. Increased CRF was also associated with lower WMH and better cognitive performance in Verbal Learning & Memory, Speed & Flexibility, and Visuospatial Ability.