In: Computer Science
Let iqsort(A, 1, n) be an algorithm that sorts an array A with n integers. It works as follows:
iqsort(A, p, q){
if p ≥ q, return;
r=partition(A, p, q);
//run quick sort on the low part
quicksort(A, p, r − 1);
//run insert sort on the high part
insertsort(A, r + 1, q); }
Compute the best-case, worst-case, and average-case complexities of iqsort.
qsort(A, p, q){
if p = q, return;
r=partition(A, p, q);
//run quick sort on the low part
quicksort(A, p, r - 1);//worst case O(n^2) //best,average case :
//run insert sort on the high part
insertsort(A, r + 1, q); }//worst, average case O(n^2), best case:
qSort complexity is depended on the pivot choosen and order of the list:
Best case:O(nlogn)
consider list is in sorted(increase), pivot is choose such that,
list is divided into half
in that case
half part will be executed by quick sort which will run in
another half part will be executed by insertion which runs in n/2 =
O(n)//since list sorted
total complexity : nlogn +n = O(nlogn)
Worst and average case: O(n^2)
consider list is in reverse sorted order, and last element is
choosen as pivot,
the list not be divided evenly
quicksort will get 1 element, and insertion will get n-1
insertion sort will take O(n^2) to sort reverse sorted list
hence complexity is O(n^2)