How do HVAC system components affect the work of an interior designer?

How do HVAC system components affect the work of an interior designer?

In: Civil Engineering

Given the following u-k relationship, u = 30 ln (300/k) mi/h. Find the jam concentration, the...

Given the following u-k relationship, u = 30 ln (300/k) mi/h. Find the jam concentration, the capacity of the roadway, and the speed of the shock wave between conditions ua = 60 mi/h and ub = 40 mi/h.

Please write out the equations used before plugging in the numbers. Thanks!

In: Civil Engineering

What are the interior design implications regarding the heating and cooling engineering system?

What are the interior design implications regarding the heating and cooling engineering system?

In: Civil Engineering

Define Give detention time and give reasons why wastewater needs to stay in the clarifier longer....

Define Give detention time and give reasons why wastewater needs to stay in the

clarifier longer. What is the implications having the tank (clarifier) smaller for the

amount of flow?

4 marks

b. In the oxidation of ammonia by nitrifying bacteria, considerable quantities of oxygen

can be utilised, which can represent a significant fraction of the total oxygen demand of

a wastewater. Name these bacteria (2) and give equations to illustrate the process

8 Mark

In: Civil Engineering

A hydraulic jump is formed in a rectangular channel 6.5 ft wide. The conjugate depths are...

A hydraulic jump is formed in a rectangular channel 6.5 ft wide. The conjugate depths are 0.5 ft and 4.0 ft respectively. Calculate: a. specific discharge, b. energy lost in the jump, c. critical depth, minimum specific energy, d. Horsepower lost, e. Length of the jump and f. Classify the Jump.

In: Civil Engineering

How does the aggregate strength affect normal concrete strength?

How does the aggregate strength affect normal concrete strength?

In: Civil Engineering

A beam extends over a span of 7.3 m and an overhang (cantilever) to the right...

A beam extends over a span of 7.3 m and an overhang (cantilever) to the right of the right support of 3 m (that is, the total length of the beam is 10.3 m.) The beam supports a service dead load of 18 t/m that does not include self-weight, and a service live load of 10 t/m. Assume the connection between the beam and the support is a simple pin or roller.

. If self-weight is 1.512 , the height(h) =90cm , width b=70 cm , dt= 83.5

Use fc' : 28 MPa, fy : 420 MPa

design the beam for shear including self weight

In: Civil Engineering

How many studs are needed to construct 100 feet of a 2 x 4 stud wall?...

How many studs are needed to construct 100 feet of a 2 x 4 stud wall? The wall has one 8-footwide window, four 4-foot-wide windows, two 36-inch-wide doors, one 30-inch-wide door, four corners, two intersections, and eight hold downs located at corners. The stud spacing is 16 inches on center. Allow for two additional studs for each corner, intersection, or doorway; six additional studs for each window less than 6 feet in length; eight additional studs for each window 6 feet or more in width; and one additional stud for each hold down located at a corner

In: Civil Engineering

​​​​​​ For the quarter scale tractor team: Student A is 94% reliable at CAD, 90% reliable...


  1. For the quarter scale tractor team: Student A is 94% reliable at CAD, 90% reliable at Excel, and 82% at Word; Student B is 88% reliable at CAD, 88% reliable at Excel, and 88% at Word; and Student C is 84% reliable at CAD, 86% Excel, and 96% at Word. Which of the following is more reliable: Student A draws the tractor with CAD while the other two do calculations with Excel weld and write the final report with Word, or Student B does calculations with Excel for the tractor while the other two draw the tractor with CAD and write the final report with Word, or if student C writes the final report with Word while the other two draw the tractor with CAD and do calculations with Excel? Specify the reliabilities for each scenario. What is the reliability, if they all participate in each step?

In: Civil Engineering

The primary effluent is to be treated by two parallel trains of the complete mix activated...

The primary effluent is to be treated by two parallel trains of the complete mix activated sludge process. The average daily wastewater design flows of 2.0 MGD and assume that the primary sedimentation process removes 60% of the suspended solids and 40% of the BOD5 of the raw sewage. The following data are given:

• Plant effluent BOD5 of 8 mg/L

• Biomass yield of 0.55 kg biomass / kg BOD

• Endogenous decay rate (kd) = 0.04 day-1

• Solids Retention Time (θC) = 8 days

• MLVSS concentration in the aeration tank of 3000 mg/L

• Waste and recycle solids concentration of 12,000 mg/L   

a) Determine the aeration tank volume in cubic meters.

b) Determine the mass and volumetric flow rates (kg/day and m3 day) of wasted sludge.

c) Determine the return (recycle) flow rate in cubic meters per day (and in MGD).

d) Determine the volumetric BOD loading to the aeration tank in lb BOD per 1000ft3.  

e) Determine the food to microorganism ratio (F/M) for the aeration tank in kg BOD/day/kg

f) Determine the design hydraulic detention time (θ) in hours.

In: Civil Engineering

1- How does the bandage contact area change with the axle load? Show it by drawing....

1- How does the bandage contact area change with the axle load? Show it by drawing.
2- Draw the stresses created by a tandem axle on the superstructure layers by drawing them.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the way to construct pad footing step by step with sketch. 1) Setting Out 2)...

Explain the way to construct pad footing step by step with sketch.

1) Setting Out

2) Excavation Works

3) Install Formwork

4) Install Reinforcement

5) Inspection of workdone before concreting

6) Concreting work

In: Civil Engineering

Starting from the linearized, perturbed, stability equations of a normal mode for nearly parallel viscous flows,...

Starting from the linearized, perturbed, stability equations of a normal mode for nearly parallel viscous flows, apply Squire’s transformation and derive the stability equations.

In: Civil Engineering

A 1000-ft vertical curve connects a -1% grade to a -3.5% grade. If the vertical tangents...

A 1000-ft vertical curve connects a -1% grade to a -3.5% grade. If the vertical tangents intersect at sta. 38+60.24 and elevation 1,400.13 ft, develop an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the elevations of the grade line at each station from sta. 31+00 to 45+00. Include the elevations of the PVC and PVT.

In: Civil Engineering

We designed the water flow rate to supply water to the increased population in New Jersey...

We designed the water flow rate to supply water to the increased population in New Jersey in 2020 and the trapezoidal canal that conveys the increased amount of water resources like Figure 2. The concrete-lined canal (n=0.015) is to have a B (bottom width) /yn (B/yn) of 2.0, 2H:1V side slopes and a velocity of 5.0 feet/s. The normal water depth is 3.75 ft and the longitudinal slope is 0.000825.   

2.1. When the depth of flow at the gaging station is observed to be 4 ft, classify the water surface profile at the gaging station.

2.2. Is it possible for a hydraulic jump to occur at the gaging station?

In: Civil Engineering