In: Computer Science
. [9 marks] Assume that Alice has chosen a large RSA modulus n such that factorization is impossible with reasonable time and resources. She also then chooses a large random public exponent e < n for which the RSA problem is also not practical. However Bob decides to send a message to Alice by encrypting each alphabet character (represented by an integer between 0 and 25) separately using Alice’s public key < n, e >.
(a) Describe an efficient attack against this method.
(b) Suggest a countermeasure to this attack.
Solution is:
Examination of encryption technique security:
The strategy encryption by representing each alphabetic character as a number somewhere in the range of 0and 25 and afterward apply RSA calculation for every whole number isn't an effective secure encryption technique.
Thus the encryption techinque is not secure.
Most productive assault against the given the encription stratagy: