In: Accounting
which system is logical, analytical, deliberate and methodical?
The human brain processes information for decision-making using one of two routes: a reflective system and a reactive (or reflexive) system.
The reflective system is logical, analytical, deliberate, and methodical, while the reactive system is quick, impulsive, and intuitive, relying on emotions or habits to provide cues for what to do next
Research in neuropsychology suggests that the brain can only use one system at a time for processing information and that the two systems are directed by different parts of the brain. The prefrontal cortex is more involved in the reflective system, and the basal ganglia and amygdala (more primitive parts of the brain, from an evolutionary perspective) are more involved in the reactive system.
We tend to assume that the logical, analytical route leads to superior decisions, but whether this is accurate depends on the situation. The quick, intuitive route can be lifesaving; when we suddenly feel intense fear, a fight-or-flight response kicks in that leads to immediate action without methodically weighing all possible options and their consequences. Additionally, experienced managers can often make decisions very quickly because experience or expertise has taught them what to do in a given situation. These managers might not be able to explain the logic behind their decision, and will instead say they just went with their “gut,” or did what “felt” right. Because the manager has faced a similar situation in the past and has figured out how to deal with it, the brain shifts immediately to the quick, intuitive decision-making system
The quick route is not always the best decision-making path to take, however. When faced with novel and complex situations, it is better to process available information logically, analytically, and methodically. As a manager, you need to think about whether a situation requires not a fast, “gut” reaction, but some serious thought prior to making a decision. It is especially important to pay attention to your emotions, because strong emotions can make it difficult to process information rationally. Successful managers recognize the effects of emotions and know to wait and address a volatile situation after their emotions have calmed down. Intense emotions—whether positive or negative—tend to pull us toward the quick, reactive route of decision-making. Have you ever made a large “impulse” purchase that you were excited about, only to regret it later? This speaks to the power our emotions exert on our decision-making. Big decisions should generally not be made impulsively, but reflectively.
Reflective A reflective thinker takes a subject and thinks slowly about it. They muse and develop ideas, often gradually and iteratively, typically seeding the unconscious mind with some problem and waiting for our deeper systems to come back with a suggestion. As an internal activity, this is often work that is done alone, although conversations with others can be helpful in taking other views into account. Reflective thinking seeks the best solution over something that is simply 'good enough'. They may pick at their solution or even throw it away and start again if they are not yet happy with a final answer. Reflection is not an indication of intelligence. Some people are just slower. Others think deeply, and need the time to get to the depth of their considerations. A person who thinks reflectively is often open to suggestion as they seek the best answer. Even when they have drawn their conclusion, they may well be open to challenges. Reactive A reactive thinker takes a question and rapidly seeks an answer. They leap to decisions quickly, which can be very useful, although their answers are not always the best. In fact one of the dangers of reactive thinking is that the person may assume that their answer is the only answer as they do not take time to consider other options. Reactive people work well in conversations and negotiations, where their speed can itself be an advantage. If you can quickly demolish an opposing argument, then whatever you have may well be accept as a usable answer. Smart people may be reactive when their speed of thought compensates for the limited time they have to think. Knowing they are smart, they may also be over-confident in their conclusions. Once they have made up their mind, reactive people are less likely to be open to returning to the subject as they quickly move on to something else. |