In: Nursing
Cerebral palsy has been described as a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture. In addition to motor disorders, the condition often involves disturbances of sensation, perception, communication, cognition, and behavior. Develop a nursing plan of care for the client and family.
The nursing management of cerebral palsy involves the management of client and family.
Proper assessment of the deficit to monitor the extent of disability is the first step in the management of cerebral palsy. Assessment is the base of further planning.
Utilize the therapeutic communication to understand more about the child’s activities at home and the ability of the family to care the client.
The nurse can provide with reassurance, acceptance, and encouragement during times of distress. This will be helpful to achieve the families confidence and relieve their stress.
Assist and motivate the client and family to cope with the disability. That will improve their self-esteem
Explain the disease process and the care needs of the child. Emphasis the important role the family can play in upbringing the child with the disability.
Preventing physical and emotional injury is an important aspect of the cerebral palsy management. Minimize the chance of injury by creating a safe environment, apt toys, use of protective measures. The proper education and counselling can help to ensure emotional well being.
Proper ROM and strengthening exercises can help to prevent deformity and gain adequate strength. Use of prescribed braces aid this.
Use of protective braces and devices will help to prevent deformity
Ensure the adequate fluid intake by providing the variety of choices.
Provision of required nutrition will help to maintain the health and prevent infections. Provide diet plan based on nutritional needs. Encourage small and frequent feeding.
Relaxation techniques and planned rest periods will improve the general health of the client.
Use the existing strengths of the child to perform activities of daily living, which will, in turn, help them to be self-sufficient.
Speech therapy and therapeutic technique can be used to improve speaking ability. Poor and maladaptive communications can be tackled at the early ages with speech therapy. Use of articulate speech can be taught at the early ages itself.